yeby / Member

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Topic? What topic?

So I used to be pretty active on here, at least with a union.  I mentioned something about how I enjoy writing, and the officers started talking to me about writing reviews for the union, and it sounded like nothing more than a whole lot of work.  At that point I pretty much just stopped caring, and stopped posting.

I mean yeah, I enjoy games, and I waste quite a few hours, but that is by no means my only interest.  Not having any other subjects for conversation, my interest decreased more all of the time.  Since making one random post recently with my old name, I've gotten a comment about music and saw another blog about politics, so I figure maybe it's time that I come back, and with a new name.

I guess so long as I'm here, on a game site, I might as well make mention of a couple of game things that have caught my eye lately.

1.  GTA IV Trailer:  It's beautiful  I know I'll be tempted to play it, but I also know that it will upset me just like every other GTA game I've played.  The humor is just  rediculous, and well, not humorous at all.  I wish they would at the very least make some real jokes, and more than just ridiculously charicatured characters and silly billboards.  And don't forget the sex jokes and insane over-obsession with hookers.  I just wish for once there would be an original, and actually mature (and by that, I mean a serious, adult storyline, not overly gratuitous sex and gore.  Boobs don't make something "mature" by any stretch of the imagination) game based on the sandbox, crime theme.  Rememeber "The Getaway?"  Like that, only, you know, fun to play.

2.  Manhunt 2:  Don't get me wrong, the first game was no work of perfection.  Still, I enjoyed with the same pleasure I feel watching an awful horror movie.  It was tense, and a decent action-stealth game (which I always enjoy.  I'm always on the lookout for a semi-decent Metal Gear clone.  I can only wait for so long between games!).  Plot details have been released, and it appears the snuff-film theme of the original has been completely removed, and it has been completely replaced with a generic story about some amnesiac recovering in an asylum after some catastrophe involving experimentation on patients.  Good job Rockstar, way to remove any originality you might have had before.

3.  Assassin's Creed on the DS:  So much whining from everyone, and I say eveyrone should quit their whining until it comes out. It sounds bad I know, but who knows?  I don't know if anyone even remembers this, but Metal Gear was released on the Game Boy Color, and it turned out to be a blast, even in many a critic's eye.  If you can do stealth on the GBC, I'm sure the DS can handle something.

And also, what would you say if I told you there was currently a home-made fence in my kitchen, and it was intended for illegal immigrants?  Yeah, it's pretty weird, I know.  I blame my roommate.