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yevinorion Blog

Slowly, but surely...

Well my 360 library seems to be increasing, albeit at a bit of a slow pace. With the economy in the state it is and expecting a downturn for the worst, I find myself even more judicial in my decision to purchase new games. I think this trend might actually become the way of thinking for a lot of gamers that are getting hit by the huge increase in the cost of living that's going on. I think gamers will get to a point where if a game isn't an AAA game, they won't even consider it. Ultimately, this puts even more pressure on the game developers to actually create games that are actually good and/or marketable. Because lets face it, not every popular game that sells tons of copies will be good.

At the end of the day though, this is what hurts smaller development houses, and results in what we've seen recently where these smaller developers are bought up by bigger publishers to help finance these games. In the end though, I think we'll lose out somewhat as there may have been some great indie game waiting to break through the mainstream, but unfortunately will probably never see the light of day due to the harsh economical environment of this current time.

Anyway...I digress. Well I've managed to increase my 360 collection by a few noteworthy titles. Namely these are Grand Theft Auto IV and Halo 3. Both superb games, but I have to say...GTAIV has monopolized my time tremendously. Fantastic game...not quite perfect, but definitely the cream of the crop right now I'd say. I haven't had a game suck me in like that in awhile. It's got a number of well-known GTA features missing (flamethrower, Ammu-Nation), but with the world it creates, the intruiging characters and much improved combat gameplay it's definitely my fave so far (Although GTA3 will always hold a special place in my heart).

I'm still a Halo n00b though. I played the first one on PC for a start, and only ever played Halo 2 in multiplayer with a friend of mine who is a huge Halo fan. So I figured I'd bite the bullet and just get Halo 3. What self-respecting 360 owner wouldn't have the system's flagship game right? So far, so good. I've only completed about 2 and a half chapters, but so far it's pretty fun. Definitely a far cry from the more tactical shooter approach I got used to with Rainbow Six Vegas 2, but awesome in it's own regard. There's nothing quite like seeing a Brute with a jetback dropping down on you, only for you to jump up to meet him and smack him in the face in midair killing him. :)

I actually got into the Xbox Live Arcade as well. Two games so far, Assault Heroes and Uno. Assault Heroes got me in just because I played the trial and wanted the achievements it had told me I'd already unlocked, so I bought the full version and have played it maybe once since. :P Uno on the other hand, is addictive and surprisingly fun! I've already gotten most of the achievements simply because I can't go on my Xbox without playing it either before I get into a gaming session or after.

What I originally wanted to purchase was actually, Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rainslick Precipice of Darkness, but for some unfathomable reason, it's been deemed as unavailable in my region. Now I live in The Bahamas...we're about an hour or less flight from Miami. We have an agreement with the US that keeps their dollar and our dollar on par for even exchange. We serve the US as a premier caribbean holiday location throughout the year, tirelessly. So why...please...tell me why, we have to get region blocked? Hmmm? We use the same power voltage, the same video formats and still...we're looked at as some insignificant third-world country. Oh and if they ever do decided to lump us into a region, it'll most likely be Latin America...which really makes no sense since we don't speak Spanish!

Anyway, I've ranted yeah, region locking sucks, GTA rocks, can't wait for Fable 2/Fallout 3/Too Human. :)

Better late than never

So I finally managed to take the plunge into the current generation of consoles. I'm now a proud owner of a brand new Xbox 360. After a few years of hopping between London, NYC and Nassau (The Bahamas, my home) I guess I'm finally settled enough to actually invest in a console. So far my DS has been the closest thing to new gaming technology I've had.

I've never been the hugest Xbox fan, but until I can scrap up the kind of change to get my PS3, this will hold me down just fine. Plus, I wouldn't want to miss Fable 2. :) My initial purchase was Assassin's Creed (of which I'm a huuuuge fan), followed pretty quickly by Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and used copies of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Hitman: Blood Money. While I've played both AC and Oblivion before, I just can't get tired of AC (gotta get all those flags!) and with all the new downloads for Oblivion it's a whole different game this time around. RSV2 is actually my first FPS console purchase, so it's a learning curve for me, since I'm more of an action/RPG kinda guy. Still, it's great fun. I haven't even tried Hitman yet, but I'm told that if I liked the old ones, this one won't disappoint. :)

So yeah, any of you guys who play Vegas 2 online, hit me up and my brand spanking new gamertag: Yevin0rion (and that's a zero not a captial O). Lets get some co-op terrorist killing going on. :)

Lions and Tigers and Banners, Oh My!

Well, yet again the end of another Banner Submission and Judging cycle at the GGBU, and while I had a few disappointments (namely, my Lego Batman banner not making it through the final judging), overall though I'd say it was a success with the majority of my entries being accepted. Can't win them all right?

Now the "Games WITH Banners" category was actually judged some time ago, so the gamespaces already have their banners in place. The "Games WITHOUT Banners" category, however, was only finished recently and the banners were expected to be live on the site by the end of Friday, but as of now they're still not up, so I guess the GS staff was too busy. I imagine they'll probably be up sometime next week. In any case, I've added pic links next to them, so you can see the banners themselves.

Anyway, on to the lists! First, the shorter one: Games WITH Banners.

Army of Two
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Dragonquest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Aion: Tower of Eternity
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Next, the longer one: Games WITHOUT Banners.

Batman: Chaos in Gotham (pic)
Batman: Vengeance (pic)
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel (pic)
Disney's Aladdin (pic)
Bible Adventures (pic)
Earth 2150 (pic)
Earth & Beyond (pic)
Priston Tale (pic)
Flyff (pic)
R.O.S.E. Online (pic)
Scions of Fate (pic)
Gears of War (Mac) (pic)
Samurai Jack (pic)
Black Prophecy (pic)
Zu Online (pic)
Metin2 (pic)
Last Chaos (pic)
Jumpgate Evolution (pic)
9Dragons (pic)
APB (pic)
Requiem: Prelude of Blood (pic)

That's it for this round. I'm already about 15 banners into my submissions for the next round, so hopefully I can improve my acceptance statistics. :P Congrats to all those who got banners through this round; and to those that tried and didn't, don't give up! We've got a lot of people at the Union who'd be more than happy to help fine tune your banner to help get it accepted. :D And a special congrats to SuperMooseman who did actually get his Lego Batman banner accepted. :) 'Til next time...and err...sorry about there being no lions or tigers. :P

New Emblem, New Responsibility

The new Emblem I'm referring to is, of course, that for the Tokyo Game Show 2007.

TGS07 Emblem

Virtually There: Tokyo Game Show 2007
For tuning in during GameSpot's live coverage of the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, which took place on September 20-23. We all know you only wanted to see the cosplayers anyway.

A cool emblem for sure, though not as beautiful as the 2006 version. Still, a nice one to have in my profile. :)

As for the new responsibility, well I've just been graciously promoted to Officer rank within the Gamespot's Gamespace Banner Union by our leader, rohver. I'm honoured to have been chosen, and extend my congratulations to the promotion of two fellow members to the Officer rank: carstairs and zixarga. Well-earned! :)

So all you design enthusiast or dabblers, if you want to help further a cause on Gamespot, come on by the union and help us make gamespaces beautiful.:D


Banners abound!

Well, in my first ever blog post I told you guys how I got the coveted Artistic Genius emblem for having two of my banners selected for use in Gamespot's Gamespaces for Mass Effect and Shadow of the Colossus. Well, that was for the category of Games With Banners. Now the judging is finally complete for the Games Without Banners category, and I'm glad to say I managed to get a few more banners accepted. Although this is more for just helping the gamespaces since I already have the emblem, and congrats to all those who got their emblem in this latest round of submissions. :) Here are my accepted ones below:

WWF Attitude


Tropico: Paradise Island

Tropico 2: Pirate Cove

Top Gear Rally

Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience

Rise 2: Resurrection


Mass Effect: Revelation

So I managed to finally get a copy of this book last week after waiting 10 days for my special order (none of the bookstores in my area had it in stock), and I have to say, it was definitely a great read.

For those who are looking forward to the release of Mass Effect for the Xbox 360, I dare say, this is a must-read title. Not only does it serve as a prequel, chronicling the events leading up to the storyline players will face in the game, but it also fleshes out quite a bit of the ME universe helping you to understand a bit more of how Humanity actually managed to become a part of the community of space-faring races, and a bit on the other races themselves, as well as inter-race politics and issues. It does read a bit heavy on the informational side early in the book, but if you're the slightest bit interested in the universe, this won't bother you at all as you'll be scrounging for every scrap of info you can get. As it goes on, it becomes a lot more focused on the story at hand, which although it ties up nicely, does tantalizingly leave you wanting more.

Something of note that I really enjoyed, was the way they dealt with the common questions of a fictional sci-fi setting, such as, "why are most aliens bi-peds like humans?" and "how come everyone can breathe the same air?". The theories presented in the book serve well to give somewhat realisitic (in terms of the universe) answers, although no decisive conclusion is met.

Overall, I'd definitely say it's worth the price of admission (US$7.99) for an early glance into the behemoth of a world that is Mass Effect for anyone with even a passing interest. So pick it up, and get yourself up to speed so when November hits, you'll be more than ready for the adventure ahead. :)

Artistic Genius you say?

Well, I finally managed to earn the Artistic Genius emblem today, and I figured that would be as good a time as any to post my first blog. :) So anyway, here it is, in all it's glory:

Because you've mastered that Photoshop gradient tool.
Awarded to those whose artistic talents have helped beautify gamespaces all across the GameSpot landscape.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited about that. :) For those who don't know, it's rewarded to Gamespot users who submit a banner to be used in a game's gamespace that actually gets chosen to be on the Gamespot site. What were my winning banners you ask? Well, I'm also pretty happy about that, as they're both pretty awesome games (although one isn't released yet :P). Those being Mass Effect for Xbox 360 and Shadow of the Colossus for PS2.

These were for the category of "Games With Banners", meaning the submitted banners had to be even better than the ones that were already there. So to have 2 out of 3 accepted, ain't bad. ;) For the curious, the 3rd I submitted was for The Adventures of Batman and Robin, which didn't make the cut. I might try it again in the next round though, as the current banner has nothing to do with the game as the game is based on the animated series, while the banner reflects the film. For some reason, that just irks me.

While I'm at it, congrats to the other guys who got thier submissions selected. Those were rohver with Overlord and deershadow with Animal Crossing. Great work guys!

Now we all wait with bated breath for the results of the "Games Without Banners" category, as that, by far has more entrants. So for that, I say good luck to all the entrants, and I hope you all can experience the joy of having a mini Bob Ross on your profile smiling at you all day long. :)

For those who want more info on creating gamespace banners, be sure to check out the Gamespot Gamespace Banner Union.

- 'til next time...