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Artistic Genius you say?

Well, I finally managed to earn the Artistic Genius emblem today, and I figured that would be as good a time as any to post my first blog. :) So anyway, here it is, in all it's glory:

Because you've mastered that Photoshop gradient tool.
Awarded to those whose artistic talents have helped beautify gamespaces all across the GameSpot landscape.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited about that. :) For those who don't know, it's rewarded to Gamespot users who submit a banner to be used in a game's gamespace that actually gets chosen to be on the Gamespot site. What were my winning banners you ask? Well, I'm also pretty happy about that, as they're both pretty awesome games (although one isn't released yet :P). Those being Mass Effect for Xbox 360 and Shadow of the Colossus for PS2.

These were for the category of "Games With Banners", meaning the submitted banners had to be even better than the ones that were already there. So to have 2 out of 3 accepted, ain't bad. ;) For the curious, the 3rd I submitted was for The Adventures of Batman and Robin, which didn't make the cut. I might try it again in the next round though, as the current banner has nothing to do with the game as the game is based on the animated series, while the banner reflects the film. For some reason, that just irks me.

While I'm at it, congrats to the other guys who got thier submissions selected. Those were rohver with Overlord and deershadow with Animal Crossing. Great work guys!

Now we all wait with bated breath for the results of the "Games Without Banners" category, as that, by far has more entrants. So for that, I say good luck to all the entrants, and I hope you all can experience the joy of having a mini Bob Ross on your profile smiling at you all day long. :)

For those who want more info on creating gamespace banners, be sure to check out the Gamespot Gamespace Banner Union.

- 'til next time...