Resident Evil 5 is epic win.
Don't care about the Tombraiderish feeling in it.
No words for the moment.
Just win.
Resident Evil 5 is epic win.
Don't care about the Tombraiderish feeling in it.
No words for the moment.
Just win.
Yiyo is playing Silent Hill Homecoming! W00T!
+Alex design = priceless. *drools*
+OST = Excellent as usual. ( gosh, I love Scarlet's song )
+Atmosphere = Perfect. The textures, the lights, the darkness, the audio... everything in an awesome quality.
+Bosses = Not as bad as I was expecting ( I loved Scarlet, BTW )
+Controls = Just fine... And variated movements are FTW.
+Bringing back some old charas hints = Lovely touch! ( and our beloved PHead serves it's purpose just right; I think it was good )
+Lenght = Was good. not short, not long.
+Endings = I liked them; and we have an UFO too!
-Fanservice = Too much Boobs, crotchs, assage, panties, and moanings.
-Ripping offs = Please to stop copying from SH movie, and Hostel ( among others )
-Ridiculous ammount of enemies = Sometimes it was hilarious.
-Secondary Character's design = Mediocre, not only in the plain design, it was the rendering of them, the lack of effort in them is very obvious.
So far; I can say it's a Good Game, could've get a bit more effort though in the design.
I'm still in shock. After my last entry.. Apparently my boyfriend checked inside my head and went and bought me a Nintendo Wii.. for my birthday.. ( oh yes, I'm 24 nao )
It's totally FTW.. believe me.. I adore it... Even though I'm not a big Nintendo fan ( too much happy colors and round thingies for my taste XD ) I gotta say that playing Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles hooked up to my Bf's Home Theater, is perfectly amazing.
My right arm aches a.t.m. But I'm posting this for one last time ( already spammed everyone ), cause I need sum Wii friends to try the wireless connection @ home XD.
Check on my wii number and let me know yours so we can add eachother *points to right side of this page*
:D Well, long time since the last post. huh?
Not much going on.. Not a lot of new games.. At least not next gen games, because yours truly does NOT own a next gen console ( i.e. PS3, nor XBOX360, nor WII )
I recently got flOw and Metal Gear Ac!d for the PSP.. The first one was entertaining for the first... 3 days.. hahah Then I got booored.. But it's a good game; It's original, from the menues to the characters.. Very relaxing...
Metal Gear Ac!d; so far so good.. I'm diggin' it, and I'm in love with Alice Hazel... Gotta love those old artbook design they have; I truly love you Konami for MG saga. Who would say I ended up liking a Trading Cards Game simulator of MG? It's an original idea. My hopes are in it..
More reviews ahead!
Yay, even though I already played this game in it's PSP version.. I had to get a copy of it for our beloved PS2..
What can I say? Lots of bugs!!!! Sound skips while loading, monsters are incomplete sometimes; textures get all Tomb Raider in it's early years, all broken and traspassing the characters ( old "spikes that appears trough a wall" moments )... They did a better job with the character's renders.. More detailed.. Their hair moves with the wind! OMFG!
So far.. it's the same.. I'm not hoping to find something new.. I was aware about that before getting it, of course.. But I still prefer the PSP version.. it's scarier to play it under your sheets in a stormy night :D :D
Chillin' out.. Just passing the time.. Not a good moment though in my life.. But wells...I still waste time playing videogames..
I finished Sims 2 Castaway for the PSP, and I gotta say. It was good.. I'm still playing it just because I want to build every friggin' clothing and furniture in the entire game.. It's a bit addictive; I think it grows in you..
Also re-playing Silent Hill 0rigins for unlocking all the accolades and weapons.. woot! ( yes I HAVE NO LIFE ). Uni is over for now, so I'll take advantage of my holidays...
:lol: Well yes.. All this friggin' time waiting for SH0 to be released, and WOOT! Now I have it..
Unfortunately my fiancee was kinda ill this weeked so I got to play a little ( that and that my psp got disconnected from the power source, 'cause of a problem with the cord ..while playing and the game didn't started from where it was left.. So I wasted like 2 hours of game.. LOL )
So far, I'm liking it.. I had a rough time attempting to finish the monsters while on the floor.. Dunno why I just couldn't do it.. So after failing so many times, I decided to start just.. punching them.. and punching them.. Till they stood on the floor.. haha.. I can say I saved a lot of ammo with that.. hehe
Well, I'm off to work now, So expect my review about it as soon as I get my hands on it after work, university, and yada yada...:)
Yiyo here reporting..
Been playing Dead Head Fred for my baby PSP.. And I gotta tell.. This game is hilarious, but a bit hard.. You can get a bit tired of coming and going all the time from the same places because, you start picking up the proper heads WAY too ahead in the game.. Good gangster music, and a good beat'em up.. I'm recommending it..
Also, I'm still waiting for my Portal to be installed.. heehhe... Excellent..
Working and studying are NOT good things when you come to be a gamer .. haha.. I'm almost with NO time and it kinda gets a bit frustrating.. I'll love to spend more time playing them.. :cry:
ok, Here I am.. New to gamespot..
I've searching info about games here since... forever... So I decided to get a user here.. Like.. I think it was a great idea..
For those who get the chance to read this, I'm a Female.. YES. A girl.. and I'm 23 years old.. Don't come to **** with me because I have boobs.. I can be as good, or better than a lot of boys around.. Specially when I'm way too older ... ehehhe!
Survival Horror fangirl, since.. forever.. So I hope to find some friends to share my passion with..
Welcome Yiyo!!! Welcome...... Thank you Yiyo, thank you so much!
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