And don't forget Alex Casey is essentially Max Payne. I'm just waiting for the reveal that Casey is using divorce as a cover-up his wife and child were brutally murdered.
@greasemonkey42: I'm not sure exclusives work anymore. They are just so rare to make it worth buying a console for one game. It has to be a perfect game to draw attention, and there is no shortage of good games whose developers would rather be non-exclusive to reach the broadest audience. Not getting God of War because you don't own a PS4 is not an issue if you have all the other games to play, just a bummer you can't play one game. Consoles will go the way PCs have been working forever now, by what hardware will make the same game run better, and what game services are less hassle. Nintendo might be the only outlier to rely on exclusives because they have so many, and because their games nicely fill the void in the handheld gaming market. I wouldn't even see them as competitors to Microsoft or Sony as I can't ever see Nintendo making a 'proper' console again unless the other two drop the ball.
@RS13: I'm all for underdogs and somebody trying something new, but what were they thinking with that design? If their business and marketing plan is as unrealistic as that console design then it's looking like it'll join the landfill with many other crazy new console ideas. Think how far the top three finally came into making rather functional, if visually unremarkable looking consoles. They are all effectively little more than black rectangle boxes now. The PS2 had it right the whole time. A solid looking console brings a lot more consumer confidence that your gaming device is a real system and not some gimmicky toy, plus fits a lot better tucked under your tv with the rest of your grown-up home theater equipment.
Huhwhat? Such an impractical design with that M curve bowing out at the sides, and the neon looks like some cocaine fever dream of 1989. Who is going to want this a part of their home theater?
@Smosh150: you might want to care about the extra sensors. This makes it as functional as the rift or Vive without any extra hardware setup and cords all over your room. If you don't care about that they made you the go.
"planned to make a dramatically different game, one that looked and was designed more like No Man's Sky than what Andromeda eventually ended up being."
No Man's Sky was supposed to be more like No Man's Sky than what it ended up being.
@charltonblake1989: It's certainly been interesting when they decided to start showing the project schedule. I wish all games do this now. It sure validates why you are waiting so long for a game.
@meister61: That could be a game breaker if I feel short-changed because I refuse to buy a new ship with real money. In FTP games I only spend as much as I think the game is worth if it isn't free. This game isn't free as I have $45 down already for a starter ship. I shouldn't have to pay again.
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