More than You Wanted to Know
by yodariquo on Comments
When you see these mysterious words appearing on your computer, you may wonder, where do those words come from? Is someone on a computer writing those words? In fact there is and there are things you probably didn't need to know that you will anyway! Age: 20 Height: 6'2" Weight: 150lbs / 68kg Eyes: Brown (glasses) Hair: Dark Brown (short) Complexion: Caucasian Nationality: Canadian Favourite Game: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) Most Hated Game: Kablooey Favourite Genre: 2D Platformer Most Hated Genre: MMO Most Played Game: Clubhouse Games / All-Star Baseball 2000 (Estimated 500-600 hours) Systems Currently Owned: NES, SNES, N64, Wii, Game Boy, GBA, GBA: SP, DS Lite, PS2, Xbox Favourite System:SNES Least Favourite System: GBA Most Games on a System: GameCube (55) Most Beaten Game: Super Mario Bros. (hundreds) 10/10 Scores: Super Mario RPG (SNES), Perfect Dark (N64), Meteos (DS) Random Gaming Fact: I have a 147 row Excel spreadsheet of my game ratings and a spreadsheet comparing my scores for Mario games versus Zelda games (Mario is honestly leading by a average score of 8.950 to 8.945). Favourite Novel: Lord of the Rings Favourite Movie: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Most Hated Movie: What Lies Beneath Random Movie/Book Fact: I've gone through multiple favourite movies: Top Gun->The Fugitive->The Shawshank Redemption->Lord of the Rings Favourite Food: Cheesecake Most Hated Food: Big Turk candy bar Favourite Cereal: Waffle Crisp Favourite Soda: Cherry-Vanilla Coke Random Food Fact: I am vegetarian and don't drink Favourite Music Genre: JPop Favourite Band/Artist: Hitomi Yaida / Younha Favourite Song: Jim Brickman - Angel Eyes Favourite Music Video: Kaela Kimura - happiness!!! Random Music Fact: I've created several MIDI compositions despite being a lousy musician (example) Sports Played: Baseball (10 years), 5-Pin Bowling (5 years) Random Sports Fact: Once played an entire baseball year having only struck out a single time Educational Level: College College Program: Computer Science Highest Grade: 100% (Grade 11 Computer Programming) Lowest Grade: 58-62% (Grade 8 "Music") High School Average: 83% Favourite Subject: N/A Awards: All honours, Grade 8 English, Grade 12 Computer Science Currently Enrolled in: Computer Programming (College) Random School Fact: Once got a teacher to say, quote, "Get a life" (I suggest you read Yarcofin's book to find a pretty amazing collection of random crap such as that XD) Random Assortment: -Have spun a pencil around my thumb without dropping it 570 consecutive times -Boycotted the second-half semester of "Business Statistics" last college year. Got an A. -I have memorized over 40 digits of Pi - 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993. -I had a small review published in issue 153 of Nintendo Power on Golden Sun.
Never review a game without completing the entire game. Main Character Traits: -I consider everything logically -I am steadfast in my principles -I will argue anything I believe in -I am incredibly grammar conscious, despite several errors I am sure exist in this post -I enjoy all varieties of videogames :)