Zurahn-Rybka: Game 2
by yodariquo on Comments
Rybka takes game 2 for a 1½ - ½ lead. I'll need a win tomorrow to still have a chance at winning the match. Java HTML/JS I'm a sucker for a kingside attack, so I didn't castle early and thusly was crushed after 7...Qc7 eventually resulting in the pin from the rook. on e1. No more opening blunders, tomorrow I'll be playing my go-to opening of the English (1. c4) in expectance of the responce 1...e5 continuing to presumably 2. Nc3 Nc6 (Rybka prefers most often to develop the c-file knight early) 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 Bc5 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O with solid position. I'm also very partial to the Ruy Lopez as seen in Game 1, but I barely squeaked out a draw and was very confused as to how it got so bad so fast. I'll take a draw if I can get it, even though it means giving up winning chances. What is beneficial about this line is that it's the closed variation of the English Opening, which limits the effectiveness of computer calculation. Additionally, chess engines tend to find the English as either equal or favouring black, but that is only a veil -- there's no way to maintain that equality as black if white is willing to draw, which means either Rybka could potentially be forced to draw or take a subpar line.