Honestly I was hyped when I clicked on this video and then really really scared that half of the things mentioned as new were simply name changes for things. Citadel = Nexus, Normandy = Tempest, same 3 main sidekick party crew members with different colours on them and different names. Looks really really depressing if they've just imported Mass Effect characters into DA:I engine and will be really lame. I'm also worried that they are just using marketing hype words when all these things were possible in the previous combat systems. Not sure why they were also talking about removing classes. Pretty disappointed that we went all the way to Andromeda and so far it looks exactly the same.
Direct quote: "Earlier in the panel, Druckmann also revealed that players will take control of Ellie in The Last of Us: Part 2. In the first game Joel was playable character, and this reversal extends into the underpinning theme of hate."
Ellie was playable in the first game too. RIP any integrity they have. Pure money grab. Obviously didn't even play their own game.
@simplytheebest: kys shill. completely irrelevant comments on a gaming website. get something better to do. At least be ON TOPIC if you're going to shill.
@sellingthings: 2015 and 2016 are actually some of the best years for board gaming in a long while you should check out Blood Rage or Dead of Winter. Sell the videogames tho, nothing good there, or at least nothing good since the Witcher 3.
@iaruelas: The US election was completely fine. Just the usual media suspects blowing everything out of proportion trying to earn the most views with the most controversy, when what actually happened was to be completely expected given all the facts and removing bias. What is sad is that they're still pissed about it and that for some reason their hissy fit rubs off on their viewers causing them to have a hissy fit too.
yogibbear's comments