@NeverMore0: Yes there's alternate endings. There's no XP. So you can do whatever method you want to get that rune or complete that quest or rob that house/person/safe.
@Terrorantula: The point is that you can still play your games offline with it disconnected from the internet. Having a daily online check means you can't play your games offline. i.e. no taking your console to your holiday house and hooking it up to a TV in the middle of nowhere, or in the military, or if the internet goes down.
Gamespot you missed the bit where the new update turns the volume down of you iTunes music so you can't listen to your own music and play PoGo at the same time, or that now if that pidgey escapes from the pokeball the app gets stuck staring at that pidgey forever until you force restart the app, or that all the pokemon are now balls of light as they are downloaded from server side rather than stored client side so your data usage goes up.
Wah wah wah I didn't get to star in more movies. Wah wah wah they actually portrayed an evil character in a "kids" movie doing evil things instead of just playing evil music.
Fix the in-game tracker Niantic. How can you make 400+ million in revenue from a F2P in 3 months and remove the in-game tracking 2 months ago and then disable it and then ban 3rd party trackers without giving us ANY in-game alternatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yogibbear's comments