Filthy console peasant version with hardware equivalent to a 2004 PC trying to playing a 2016 game. And you have the gall to complain about the textures?
Maybe these EA execs have some fabled internet service provider that I don't have. If you know dare I say the internet infrastructure was MUCH better globally than it is now and Internet Service Providers used said non-existant infrastructure to deliver extremely fast upload and download speeds with amazing latency and unlimited bandwidth with no congestion then YES this would work. Sadly, having the horsepower closer to your monitor gives you the lowest possible input lag and best latency now. Problems that don't disappear with a few fancy marketing buzz words.
@Abomination713: The better gear is the Gear Lev 31 blueprints from the BOO Phoenix Vendor and the DZ06 Phoenix Vendor. Challenging missions do not drop Gear Lev 31 gear.
@Kusann: Nah you were just indoctrinated and didn't pick Destroy so you lost. Just cause the entire ending to ME3 is inside Shephard's head after getting hit by the reaper beam, doesn't mean the actual reality of the ending was crap, just that Bioware failed to inform everyone post dream ending on what actually went down unless you were paying attention.
yogibbear's comments