Yes, it has finally come, after over 4 months of the blog being up i'm answering the questions, I just left it so long for a few more people to ask what they wanted but I think it's now been long enough and it's about time to give some answers ^^! The blog below this is quite important too :)!
Zeromus1337: I'm not too sure what the game I first played is sinse my Brother had a Mega Drive (Genisis) before I can remember although the first game I ever owned and played 'properly' was Sonic The Hedgehog on Mega-Drive, still didn't fifnish it at the time though, the Labyrinth Zone Boss was painful XD!
Blueguy93: I have to say the first Crappy game I can remember was a wierd Dinosaur fitghting game on the Mega Drive, it was hard and boring, with nothing unique, I was young at the time too, especailly too young for a complex & slow fighting game, I didn't have brains or patience back then XD!
just4yoshi: On my Banner that is Yoh Asakura, he was in a game but not from one, he's the main Character of an anime called Shaman King which I loved sinse I was young, he was in a few Shaman King games but it's best just to watch it rather than play it, he's also my favourite anime character ^^!
Da_Yoshi_Man89: Living in England is pretty good, lots of nice people, random people and crazy people (like me), it is pretty fun, there are good theme parks and some great places in London I go to sometimes ^^! The school system's different, you have years instead of Grades ^^! It's cooler temperature wise, which I like XD! I don't know if it's a better place to live than America, i've only been there twice, 6 weeks in total and it is a lot of fun, but that's because my parents save up a lot of money for holidays ^^!
I hope that answers all you questions well and thank you very much for asking them, thanks for reading ^^!