yoshi_64 / Member

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19th Birthday!

So it's my birthday today!

Yeah, now I'm finally 19, which perhaps is nothing considering I'm still a teenager, have no rights to drink (though I do't anyways) and umm... yep.

Well whatever, it' myday anyways. So, I'll just treat it like one. :P


  • Doing nothing till parents come home
  • Going out to eat for dinner
  • Gonna play some games
  • Going to open presents
  • Yeah, I just did this for nothing


  • Money! $$$
  • Clothes
  • Shoes (need new shoes badly...)
  • No clue what games to ask for, behind on my own

So far my day has been pretty good. I've done perhaps very little, but it wasn't bad. It's a Monday, and usually there's little to do, but who knows if anything else may come up. All I know is that my favorite dish ever is coming tonight. :D That's all I need to make my day PERFECT!