yoshi_64 / Member

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360 Red Ring of Death!

Damnit! My 360 seems like it's gonna cave in. I know it, I can feel it. Yesterday (Monday) I was playing my 360, and when I turned it on, I saw it. I saw the flashing red light, and it said "System Failure" in the 7 different languages.

I was scared, and I quickly shut off my system. Then, I started it up again, and it worked fine. However, later that day, I went to play my 360 again, and while in the midst of playing it did it again!! I had the red ring of death, and then I shut it off, and turned it back on. It worked fine again, but there's no way that's gonna be my answer to everything.

If my 360 does break down, I better get a fixed 360 for FREE. I swear, I treat my systems like children. I never do anything bad to them, and I never touch them except when changing games, or turning it on or something. But I never, NEVER mistreat them. I take very good care, and I should not be punished for that, if it breaks cause MS has faulty hardware or somehting.

Also if it does break down, this will be my second system to EVER break on me. See ironically, Sony gets bad PR about faulty hardware, but my PS2 is still running, and works just fine. My GAMECUBE actually died on ME! I had it since launch, and last year around Christmas it went dead. :| I have a new Silver GC and it works well now though.

So yeah, *prays* I hope it doesn't break, cause if it does, I better get it fixed for free.