Well, I've returned from my camping trip over the Memorial Day weekend on Monday. It was very cool there, I got to meet a very good friend of mine there too. We went to Santa Cruz and it's really cool there. We went to other places like Monterey, which is a really cool bay area with LOTS of seals... o.O and then San Fransico which is a really cool city. The structure of San Fransico is weird, in that there are VERY steep hills to climb with your cars... I swear I almost thought my parents truck would flip backwards or something... the climb over many of it's steep hills and even going down was exhilirating in it's own rights. :P
Well I didn't have much time to game this week or last. When I went camping, I brought my DS and played Pokemon only. I brought PW: JFA but I'm SOOOOO stuck on that game, I can't figure out what to do. If you wanna know, I'm at the 4th chapeter where, and there are three people I needed to do the pysche-locks on. Lotta, Mrs. Andrews (the star's manager) and that old hag in the space suit. I did Lotta, but the other two are giving me a hard time, and I don't know what I need. The hag wants a picture of the dead dude with an autograph, and Andrews is just tough (my guess is she's the last one I do...)
Well right now, I'm trying to do an essay, that's due..... .... *drum roll* wait for it... ... ... .... THURSDAY!! Yep tomorrow!!
I have not started more than an outline of it, I had no time to get it down, and had many things interefering... I know it sounds like I'm trying to make excuses but what's done is done, and I can't do anything. I just have to cram it all today, and being here typing this blog... yeah I know it doesn't help. Well I'll be doing some cramming right after this. Hopefully I do good enough to keep my grade at passing. (It's a C but sooo close to a B ....)
So yeah that's my life right now... what's going on with you guys? Did anything for the memorial weekend? Games you're playing? Life things in general?