I have to say, Final Fantasy Tactics is a really great game. It's just so awesome, I'm a huge fan of SRPGs, and I played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA, FFT is just sooo much better. I'm not too far into FFT, and for the record I'm playing this game on my PS2. I don't have the PSP version, because about a little over a month ago, I found FFT for the PS1 brand NEW for only the low, low price of $5. So I HAD to buy it, since 1. I loved FFTA and 2. I always wanted this game and the wait for the PSP version was so long away. :P
But I plan to get that version sometime in the future, when it's budgeted. So I can play it again, and I hear it has an online mode, which would be cool. I'll make a great team, you'll see. :D
So yes, if you haven't played this game I highly recommend it, it's on the PSP right now and it surely will be worth EVERY penny you spend on it I'm sure. (It also has two new classes, characters, and LAN/Online play modes. So a great deal indeed I'm sure. Not sure if the graphics or sprites are improved, but they should be on the PSP. )
So right now, I'm pretty early in the game, but the story is really gripping and interesting so far. I'm not too far out the game, and don't wanna spoil it. But where I'm at, someone was just kidnapped, fought this girl and the dialouge scene during the fight was interesting and the music for that area was just fitting! Oh man, the music is great too, I keep finding myself humming the music... anyways, it's a great game, buy NOW!
Another MUST BUY is Phantom Hourglass for the DS. It's just the most inventive, smart use of the DS's features to date. The touch screen controls are honestly so good, that I realy want MORE games to play with just touch screen controls. I'm ready to embrace this new method of gaming, if it's done right like PH. (NG: DS don't let me down please, and of course It's a Wonderful Life by Square-Enix. :D )
Some of the puzzles even require use of the DS in more ways than you knew, or at least I did, before. I won't say much... but sometimes you don't "press" things with just the stylus. ;) Also, the boss battles are AMAZING!. They may be a bit easy, but they are the most inventive boss battles I've ever seen. Each one is different, and they have a lot of them that use the dual screens smartly. One boss battle in the game, for example, had you staring in the eyes of the boss, and he was invisible in your screen, so hitting him required some method and thinking as you had to know when to hit him. (Remember, viewing through it's eyes.) I won't spoil anymore, but it's truly amazing how Nintendo did this.. especially when they were both in 3D. I couldn't tell, if they used any tricks or what kind of tricks, cause I always heard the DS had 2 seperate processors but there is one that produces 3D images easily, while the other one would most likely be only able to use 2D images... guess I was wrong. :P Glad to be by the way..
So, just though I'd let you all know. PH and FFT have stolen my life, taking me away from other games I'd said I'd finish up... but it's ok. :D
What are you all playing right now?