Well I've lately recieved as of the month of March, Metroid Prime Hunters, Kingdom Hearts II, and MGS 3: Sub.
I wish I had an online adapter for my PS2 so I could play Subsistence online, and try it out, however I don't wanna shell the money for a system I'd hardly use online. Also, I love Hunter's online. Nintendo did a great job with this game's Wi-Fi service. I hope to see more games improve, as this one set the bar for it.
I've not been play much online though for MP: H, as I've been hooked into Kingdom Hearts II. It's a great game, however I do feel that it's not better than the first one per se. The levels are far to linear, and even older levels are just too short. Also, there's sometimes little challenge in the game. I go to levels that require a high level, just to be. I go to a level where I'm just 5-8 levels below the recommendation, and still beat it. That's about how easy it is...but the thing I love is the storyline. So that's what has kept me hooked onto this game. Also, I love how there were some battles with literally 1,000 enemies on screen. That was really cool. The soundtrack is also awesome, I have to buy me it if I ever get the money.
Well, that's about it. I think during Spring Break-which starts next week- I'll be playing more online and even finish the single player of Metroid Prime: Hunters.