yoshi_64 / Member

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Got a 3DS for my Birthday! (late b-day gift)

Hey all! I know some know this, but I just thought I'd say it anyway for anyone who has a 3DS, I got mine two days ago! It was a little late birthday gift (my bday was on the 30th) and regardless I can say I'm really enjoying it. :D

I have only two games for the system, OoT and DOA: Dimensions. More so, I've been spending time playing DoA. So far I think it's really awesome, and am really loving it.

A few things I like about the 3DS, it's a lot better than I expected. I love getting new spot/streetpass notifications. Since I work at Disneyland, I've been taking my system to the parks, and have actually had some encounters with some people already. I got 1 fight for DOA (beat the crap out of this guys ghost, he was Rank C but I am rank F since I have not played online), and of course Ayane made short work of it. 8) Then I got a few Miis from people to help me save my Mii in the RPG game. Also, I acquired the maximum amount of coins in a day :o I walk around a lot :lol:

I think I may regularly take my 3DS to work now, because it's really cool getting those little notifications.

Anyway, if anyone wants to fight me in DOA or add me to their friend's list, post your FC.

Mine is: 2449-4775-2580

I usually am playing DOA often, I know the 3DS doesn't have an actual messaging system yet (so lame... they said it will come in a future update though, so here's hoping it's soon!) but I do check my friend's list here and there to see if anyone is playing... Hopefully we'll get to see each other on the battlefield if you do have DOA. :P Otherwise PM me and let me know, I've got a very sporadic schedule, but I won't mind playing some DOA here and there. :D