yoshi_64 / Member

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Holidays and Absence.

Well, well... time for thanking and giving will be upon us! The time for reflecting, finding yourself, gaining experience to grow up, and .. well you know. Same thing every other year... well maybe not the same every year. It just seems to me, that the days get shorter, time goes faster... I mean... I felt like Halloween was just yesterday, and that New Years was like a few months ago. I can remember these events so vividly... it just feels like time has been speeding up. Perhaps it's the fact that I remember them so well? Maybe if I'd forgotten, time would feel slower?

Well, enough ranting about time and all that stuff. Anyone have any plans for this week? Or the coming holidays? This year, Thanksgiving will be held at my house... something that's different from the 19 years I've been living on this earth and having it at my Grandmother's house every year since then. Oh well... Might be nice.

Also, I have been pretty absent here I think... I mean I may have signed on here, or been on for like a few minutes, but forgive me for not posting/replying to any past blogs. I just haven't been fully "here" lately...