yoshi_64 / Member

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Holidays of Feast!

So yes, I come a little late with this blog post, but just curious. How was everyone's holidays? Mine was good. Despite the setting and cleaning up we had to do (because dinner was at our house... :x) it wasn't bad. Lots of food to eat, and I still have some leftovers of my favorite dish, which I shall be eating later today. :D

Now, we move onto the christmas spirit, and things are looking good. I tried persuading my parents to get me the PS3 Bundle at Best Buy for a christmas present, the one for the 60GB version. I hope I get it, even if I may not be playing it very long or at all... >.> Reason being will come up shortly if you don't know why. I just want a full BC PS3, not the gimped versions. I still have MANY, MANY PS2 games to buy as well, so I can't risk one of them not working with my system.

So, how was the holidays for you people? Any good food/parties/events/etc?