yoshi_64 / Member

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How come it's taken me so long...?

By now, you should know that... I'm a HUGE Advance Wars fan. I've loved the series ever since the first game, and Intelligent System's never failed to deliver on the next installments after the first game. (Batallion Wars is a spin-off which I've yet to play, but have heard it's a very good approach tot he 'Wars' series on the consoles... I do want the Wii version as it has MP support which kept me from buying the GC game.)

So, now Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is out for the DS, and of course... your's truly snatched up the copy the instant it became availible at his local Best Buy store. So, you're perhaps curious as to what I would do the instant I bought this game, right? After all, if you haven't heard... this game contains Wi-Fi online support and some great features on it. As of now, I've downloaded a few maps online, though I've yet to complete any of them and rank them. However, your's truly has also made maps with the wonderful map design tool, yet I won't call them real maps because these are "labs" where I build certain situations to try and come up with strategies. Now, I suppose you're questioning yourself "Yoshi, how are you enjoying online battle support? Are you enjoying the ownage of noobs? :D " I have to say...

I've yet to play online against other people... :|

I don't know, I do want to, and I said after I beat Campaign I would... So, I've had the game beaten about a week already, but then I began playing other games and also labbing other strategies... So why is it that I'm still not out there playing against the people online? ... That's a very good question. I was going to on Sunday, after the Super Bowl game, but my cousin spent the night and we played some games like Halo and Assassin's Creed for a while. I would have earlier today, if there wasn't a huge mess to clean up for after the party, and then... I became a bit bushed and couldn't do it.

So, I say... this is THE WEEK! Yes, the week where I shall definitely be playing online on Days of Ruin and make a name for myself! So, with that said, I noticed because I have so many S ranks on the campaign mode, my "rank" is actually higher or something than normal. Intersting... and I haven't even started a single match online... :lol:

Well, wish me luck soldiers! I shall be heading out to the battlefield this week (possibly tonight) with Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, and after some online time... be sure to look forward to my review of the game very soon. :)

P.S. I may possibly get a PS3 tonight. Let us hope all plans follow through.