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Intruiging Moments of my LIfe

Well, I'm unsure of a topic to write, generally I don't post too many details on my life. I feel it's quite a bore to some people, and am unsure of what response I would look for as well. Also, I don't know if it even interests anyone, and so generally I do the typical topics on video games. You know... like everyone else. :P

Well I haven't been gaming much lately, because of quite a few things in life so I'd though it was time to update my blog. With no gaming new that stands out right now (well maybe Halo 3's score) and my game time has decreased over the week (will explain shortly) I figured "Why not?"

So let me first start off with some gaming news.

First and foremost, my lastest game I'm working on is Bioshock for the 360. Now, that may be a sound of hope and gleam to some, but sadly my experience with this game has been... underwhelming in some fashion. Allow me to explain. The gameplay first off is quite fun, I enjoy using plasmids to destroy my adversaries and solve some simple puzzle like elements. (i.e. electrifying a switch, grabbing items via telekinesis, melting ice holding a door shut with incinerate, etc) While the gunplay itself isn't too overwhelming, (reloads are long but understandable given the weapons being use and their characteristics) and the A.I. is... sadly predictable, albeit it quite understanding in some cases. (If you're on fire, wouldn't you jump in that pool of water, or heal yourself if low on health to my hacked health station?) So the game never becomes too challenging really.

However, with all that said, the experience is something I would find more enjoyable if one thing wasn't going on. The framerate problems that plague the game all over. If feels like this game never was fully optimized on the 360, or something... I hear it's the works of a recent patch, and perhaps HDD cache problems. Unsure of which is true, I've heard how one can clear updates on the 360, so I may try this last resort to see if it will help my game next time I play. The problem is.. in my experience through the game. I've had the screen freeze on me in place from anywhere ranging 2-5 seconds. I've had the framerate stutter to a crawl in heavy firefights, and I've experienced this problem much more while fighting the "Elite Bouncer" Big Daddies. (They stomp the ground, causing you to slow down and when they come bull rushing me, it starts happening.)

So before I go another paragraph on this game and then have to force myself to change my blog title, I'm gonna leave it at that and will be writing a review on this game when I finish it. (Almost done)

Now, what more news in gaming do I have? Well I had seen the Halo 3's review score. I watched the video review, and I must say... I'm not surprised at it's score. Do I feel it deserves it? Well we'll find out when I get it midnight tonight. (or at least my little brother will.) Still, last game getting a score near that was Gears of War, and I must say... I wasn't too fond of that game... and am now even more mad at Epic mostly for releasing superior PC version with substance that felt should have been in the game in the first place.) Though that's not to say I think Halo 3 will feel like it was gimped in any way, maybe, maybe not... but I'm just gonna try and see if I agree with him or not. That's all.

Well now... we arrive to really what's the highlight of my life so far. It's something I perhaps should have posted first, because I feel Bioshock and my comments on it will be the essence of the responses.

Well what is it that has kept me away from games all week? It's this book. Yes a book! :o And to put some style... here's the pic of the


So yes, this is the book I've been reading. It's really brilliant I think. Maybe I'm not one to claim much on where this book stands in literature...umm.. "awesomeness." :D But... I have to say that I've been looking for a read that would be just like this one in a long time. Nothing hard, nor difficult. However, it's just a wonderful read. I really have found myself caring for the characters in the book, and I can't stop myself from reading it. Right now I'm reading the sequel New Moon and it's just as every bit enthralling as the original. I think almost even better in some ways. :P

For anyone unfamilar with the story. It's kind of a love story between this outcast of a girl and a vampire. However, their relationship isn't exactly normal, and soon trouble comes and it has some great suspenseful moments and quick pace moments that really keep you flipping the pages. The first book is a nice setup, because it helps you become more in touch with the characters. Of course this is basically a romance novel, but it's a fantasy type in a real world setting that keeps things very down to earth, yet just a pinch of that magic in the book is delicately balanced to keep it from being too boring and in fact it makes things all the more interesting because it almost feels like this could be a possibility. Almost.

Now with that said, my favorite parts of this book was definitely the relatiionship between Isabella (Nicknamed Bella) Swan and her undying love for a not-so-human vampire named Edward Cullen. The most intruiging aspect of this novel is at first, you feel Edward is a bad person, and you side with Bella's conspicions about her avoiding him. Yet when she becomes inexplicably in love with him, you almost wish you could go in and talk some sense into her, then... finally. Things just flow together smoothly and you realize why she needs him, and why these two belong together. It's brilliantly told, and soon you form a watchful eye over the two feeling they should live life together forever.

In the last 7 chapters of the story, an unforseen event occurs and this thrilling supsense in the book really tightens their bond, and your beliefs about these two. All characters are well told, and our protagonists are very likeable, along with other supporting characters in the story. So it's no surprise when an unexpected group comes along and causes trouble for not just Edward and Bella, but the life of others around Bella. Through these chapters, I could not stop till I finished the book, because it had me engrossed.

Well I'd probably give the book a real review, but I don't know how to review it. Maybe after I finished the second one, I'll write something up for both. I got the third book yesterday, but I won't read it till I'm done with this one. (Which may be soon, I'm just 3 chapters away as of this time, and I started yesterday. :P )

So, there you go. A little update, hope you all enjoyed it. :)