yoshi_64 / Member

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It's been a long time...

I'm not generally fond of the whole blog posting ordeal, however I've felt compelled lately to make a new one. I've decied to just talk about my E3 reactions, as short as possible, but then I realized it would not happen. So in short, I'll just describe all the things I'm looking forward too. My disappointments will come another time.

I'm first off, my top five games I'm looking forward to are Yoshi's Island 2, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Okami for the PS2. Notable mentions are: LoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Super Mario Galaxy, Gears of War, and Heavenly Sword.

Now, there's a lot more games I want. I must say that in particular they are all on more Nintendo systems. Yeah, I seem biased, perhaps I am and am just oblivious to it, but I seriously can't wait for some of the games on the DS/Wii. 360 and PS3 also have great stuff, but Nintendo seems to have more. I guess that's because Nintendo's got the handheld and a new console.

As for a bit of my reactions. I must say, that I was disappointed in the E3 press conference of Sony's. Not severly, but Sony has had way better conferences. It just kind of felt like nothing new was shown, and things shown were just either too long (Gran Turismo HD) or nonexistent (DMC4, Killzone had no mentions whatsoever.) I may not have like Killzone, but I really wanted to see if those graphics could be possible, that's all. (I'm gonna guess no, but you never know)

One more thing. I seriously hope the summer goes by fast. I hate Summer gaming, just because nothing new is ever there. I love to use the time to catch up on old games though, but I seriously don't feel that compelled to finish some of my games, or I just don't know where to start. Anyone felt like videogames kind of feel a little "uninspired?" I'm not saying they are aweful, but doesn't anyone remeber the first tme they picked up a controller, and just getting lost in the game? Dreaming about falling puzzle blocks, closing your eyes and performing chains and combos in Tetris Attack, or just making zany storylines to your favorite games/video game characters/worlds/etc?