yoshi_64 / Member

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I've beaten Prime 3 and I got my Zelda: TP soundtrack gift.

Ok, well today I've beaten MP 3, and I have to say. This game is just wonderful, definitely better than Prime 2, and much improved on Prime. Also, great controls for FPS style shooting, I hope to see Retro try a new IP possibly an FPS genre or RPG/FPS hyrbid, who knows... well I do wish Retro luck and hope to just see something new from them. Nintendo, please don't make them do another installed series, let them tinker with something else.

So, the ending... Well I got 100% completion, unlocked Hyper mode (which I'll do after my playthrough on Bioshock and finishing of Shadow of the Colossus. I also want to unlock everything, so if you have any Friend Voucher's you'd like to send. My Wii Number is on that tag list where the 360/PS3 PSN ID tags are. I'm too lazy too look it up.. I only know the first four numbers... 8666

Also, another treat today. My order gift for renewing my Nintendo Power subscription came in. It's the "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Official Soundtrack." I have to say... for an "Official Soundtrack" I was hoping there would be... well I don't know.. the songs in the game...

It turns out, this CD comes only with 7, that's right SEVEN songs... A little disappointing I might say, considering TP had like... oh I dunno... 20+ some songs... You have some nice ones, like an Orchestrated song piece of Zelda that wasn't in the game... (at least in my playthroughs... and no this isn't that one that plays if you leave the start screen idle for a long time. It's something different.) There's also Illia's Theme and the Hyrule Overworld Theme. Along with Kakariko Village... those are some of the best. The others "Midna's Theme" (which is only like 1:20) and Ordon Village (forgot... 2:00 or something near there I believe) are a little short and not too enjoyable due to the length and some arangements (like fading at the wrong moment I feel for Midna's theme...)

Then there's Death Mountain's theme song.. or that Goron Theme song, whichever you prefer calling it. It's nice.. but there's better choices... and not to mention more songs that should have been in it. Well, that's about it.. The CD is free though, but... I wish there was more, seeing how buying any video game CDs/Soundtracks over here are very hard to do without importing or doing illegal stuff... >.> Also for the "Official Soundtrack" You'd expect more... right?

Well, that's about it... So now On to Bioshock! ... (except for a little tiff I'm having with the game right now, I'm not so eager to play it actually.. disappointing I must say. I don't know what it is, but this game is suffering MASSIVE framerate issues. Maybe it's my copy, maybe it was the latest patch, or the HDD thing, I don't know... but it's killing the game for me. Serious...)