a flu.... :x Well, I've returned home from my long two week vacation at Texas. It was quite enjoyable I might say so, and really cold out there compared to California. However it didn't bother me much.
Now I'm just battling this flu I have gotten for myself. Well... I don't know if it's really a flu, could be a cold. I'm going to find out tomorrow when I go to the doctors, but I'm just not feeling well at all. Sore throat, coughs, my body is sore, and the worst thing of all is I've had instances of a bloody nose for no reason. x_x
So, hopefully it's nothing too bad.... we'll see tomorrow. However, HAPPY NEW YEARS! :) How was everyone's holidays? Any resolutions? Mine is to beat the games I have from last year before my newest game is bought for this year. (SSBB seems to be my next purchase...) also, it seems my plans to leave on a mission trip have hit a little snag. :x That's something I NEED to work on, hopefully I can still leave around March. I don't want to wait any longer.