yoshi_64 / Member

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Job Hunting

Geez, this stuff gets harder in harder, as technology advances.

No, I'm not a behind the time's fella. I know my technology, but technology these days make employers sooo lazy. Why? Well first off, I've been to Target, Circuit City, Best Buy, Blockbuster, EB Games, and Gamestop. I've seeked employment from those stores. And lo and behold, 2 of the said places offer applications that aren't done via software program in little cubicle corner.

What am I talking about? The other places I mentioned, have me do my applications on some computer. A little cubicle, in the corner of the store or somewhere, and what's wrong with that? I'm looking for my second job, I need experience. I need to show the manager, and anyone who takes my application what kind of person I am. However I can't if they always tell me to go to the corner and fill an application out. That means, I can't make any first impressions, because they have me as some "piece of paper" now.

So, what will they think when they see "High School graduate" and "1 job" on my employment application versus someone who's perhaps attending college right now, and is a college grad? Or perhaps has worked since they were 16 and has like 4 jobs under their belt? :| It's gonna be hard, that's what. And you know, I know I'm more than good enough to be a better employee than that guy.

I love to work, and I'm a very determined person when it comes to finishing my jobs. I suck up to the boss big time. (I'm like the one my boss always counted on, in my old job.) Well... here's hoping they call my old boss, and he gives them a really good review for me....


Anyone currently job hunting?