Well, I thought I'd try to make a weekly blog (not sure what to name it.) where I just occasionally update about stuff that goes on. Since it's Sunday, maybe it's a perfect day to cap off my last weeks interest and future interests for the coming weeks or days.
Ok, to start off. On Friday, I went and watched Cloverfield. Now, maybe you were like me, and saw the trailer at Transformers, then you were left so clueless you just began to follow this movie every chance you could to get something out of that trailer, only to find out that you HAD to watch the movie.
Well, I won't spoil it for anyone here, but if you saw it, how did you like it? I heard many sides of love and hate, but I personally found it very enjoyable. I was always left in tension, I couldn't calm my nerves because I felt something would happen soon, and at the same time I began finding myself to care for the characters too. I felt the pacing was nice, even if the movie was very short by normal standards and for CA it's not cheap for a ticket either. ($10.50)
Next, I'd like to say this week is the release of one of the best turn-based-strategy games ever released. :D Ok, well it's not out yet, so I can't make that comment (until I buy on tuesday, when it's at stores.) However, as you may know, or not know, the title I'm talking about is Advance Wars: Days of Ruin for the DS.
For those of you who can't tell already (what with Nell being my avatar on this place like 2 months after I joined this community.) Advance Wars is one of my favorite games of all time, well the series itself is. I love the series very much, and am a huge fan. i consider myself to be quite good as well (thus I'll accept all challenges to anyone who buys this game. 8) ) So you can see, this is one of my most anticipated games of the year, and it's just a handheld game at that. :o
So in two days from this writing, I should have a copy of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin in my hands, and I only hope that the game is just as great as the others (which I think so, cause I'm totally digging the new look and style) and I hope online games are challenging and fun at that. :D So, I must ask, is anyone planning to buy this game? :oops:
Lastly, I have to say so far life is going well. I need to call my doctor tomorrow, and set up an appointment for my shots I need for my mission, and also check up to see if they ever got a reply from my insurance company. Game side of life, I'm thoroughly enjoying Fire Emblem Radian Dawn for Wii. Does anyone have that game? I know it got a 6.0 here at GS, but I have to strongly disagree with that. I felt it's a great sequel to Path of Radiance on the Gamecube (which I recommend all to play. :P ) and will surely be writing a review for it soon. (After I beat it, and also finish up my SMG review. Which hopefully can be in this week, if Advance Wars hasn't taken my life away.) But yes, I must say Fire Emblem for Wii is a great game with another great and well told storyline that the series is known for. The gameplay and strategy is just as tight as the past games and challenging enough (though not overly difficult so far like the review complains about, and FYI I'm on Part III of the game Prolouge out of a four part sequence)
Well, that is about all, so I just want to say Happy Gaming all, and what is up with your lives?