I'm sure most of you may know by now, but I work for Fry's. I big retail store, with all kinds of electronics and computer stuff.
Well recently, I was purchasing some HD cables for my new HD TV for my 360, and I was walking in the gaming section. I was suprised to know, that we have a ton of import games there. Some from Japan, some from Europe. I saw Tales of Eternia, Jump Super Star, Bleach PSP and DS, some puzzle game in Japanese (not sure, name was written in Kanji) and some more stuff.
Well after that, I went to look around the store, and be a "customer" for once. The t.v.s there are awesome. Nice selection, and there's 71" HDTV from Samsung that looks absolutely AMAZING! It's 4.5k so that's quite a like... x_x and not even I could afford it with my discount. Yet, it's cool, and yet same time ... unneccassary I guess. It supports 1080p though, if you're wondering.
The computers, those are awesome. I need a new one, preferably XP Media Center Edition. I'd like to have that, and a Mac. There's not much to say, except we have a lot of great looking models.
Now... I'm still debating on what to buy. I'm hoping to get enough shopping done this month on my christmas shopping. That way next month, when my discount renews (I'll explain in a second) I'll have enough to spend on my Wii gaming needs, and 360 and PS2.
So right now, I've used 8 of my AP out of 500. What that means is anything I buy, I get a discount on, based on how much the store makes off it, not the cost of the item itself. So I get 10% off what the store's revenue is, and well... our point system renews Novermber 1st every year, so if I don't waste my points now, it will not transfer over and I've lost them.
So... now it's time to spend. :D
Admit it, you're all jealous, huh? :P
EDIT: Ok, today work was busy. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but ... boy am I dieing with anticipation for the holiday season... :roll:
Ok, today, I was with my supervisor and associate. While walking to our department, a customer had wanted help in another department.
Well, since I couldn't really help him out, because he wanted me to check the computers for a product. I pointed him to the desk, just straight down the aisle, in visible sight, and he went. "Well can't you check for me?" I was like "They cany check for you, just walk down there."
Then he goes "But that's far... can't you just look it up?" I said "No, I can't but they can. Just ask them over there. He says again... "... heh... but look, I have to walk all the way down there?" (By the way... it's no more than like 40 feet.... ) Well.. now he's getting mad, because I said once more. "No, I'm sorry, please go to the desk, they can help you."
Well now he's like... "This is a computer store, and YOU can't help me?" I was like, "What do you want me to do?" (trying to be calm..) He goes "I want to know if there's any of this item in stock." Then I said. "Look, I can't, there's no computer here, how can I check it?" Then he points to the cashier lady's computer, who is busy with customers. (did I mention it was very busy?)
So I said "She's busy helping our customers." Then he said "I'm a customer too." Well I said "Yes, and that's why they will help you over there." After that, he got mad, and so did I. I said in a very stern voice. "Listen, what do YOU expect me to do? Do I look like I have a computer to check up the inventory? NO! Go over there, they will help you, I cannot do anything, I don't know how much stock we carry on this item, I don't have a computer, and I won't bug the lady with your problem."
After that he left in disgust, to the same counter. Then I said to myself, all that time y ou spent arguing, and you could have found out by now if we had the item.
Seriously, is America that lazy? I hate these people. Is it too much to ask for, just to walk down the aisle, and talk to a representative or employee? Why do people continue to fight useless fights anyways? :x I mean, seriously, what do you think guys? I couldn't do anything you know... but seriously, are people really THAT stupid?