Alright, so I just got to put down about a good hour and half into Bioshock yesterday, and I'm almost done with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
I've just obtained a Hyper Grappple in Metroid Prime 3, which is about 2/3 the way through the game if I'm not mistaken. Actually... I think it's more like 4/5, but oh well. All I have to say about Metroid Prime 3 is... Wow. I'm not kidding, this game is certainly better than Prime 2 and Prime 1. The only thing I'd have to say Prime 1 had better, was the different beams you could switch around.
Metroid Prime 3 is a game that just keeps getting better and better as you go along it. I'm not sure how it's possible for a game to do that, but every room you visit, you wanna see what's on the other side. Every world you land on, it just makes that much harder to stop exploring. Retro's team of artists are amazing, the stuff that you see on this game just takes your breath away. The rooms are all filled with such detail, you may just stop every now and then to explore. Also, the particle effects are some of the best I've seen in video games, and even better looking than some 360/PS3 games I've seen. Now I know that sounds rather fanboyish, but hear me out. There's more than just havin snazzy little dust particles or smoke flying around. The way everything moves in this world is just trippy, because even the particles themsevles have a movement that just seems so trippy and yet so cool.
Lastly, the game is overall better than the other Metroid Prime games bar none. The pacing is much faster, but it makes exploration and backtracking easier. Perhaps not the best for some purists, but it's for the good of the game. Backtracking is easier now thanks to many landing points for you ship, which by the way... you kind of create a bond with it, and the worlds are laid out very nicely that it's not hard to get lost either now.
However, if I had to say anything worth nitpicking or being critical on, it would be a few things.
1. I miss the ability to swap beams, instead the game takes a Super Metroid and Metroid style beam stacking system, where you get a new beam with the older beam characteristics.
2. Samus doesn't talk... I think this girl has some things to say, but darnit! Nintendo or Retro, whoever decided this needs a spanking from the bounty hunter herself. She needs to talk! Now'st he time to really let her personality shine!
3. A little like Halo? If anything, the game has a much more cinematic feel, and does feel like a great closing to a final chapter of a triliogy. The only gripe one could muster against this, is the game loses some of the "alone" feeling past Metroid games made you feel. However, with that said... it's actually quite nice. In one area I was at, I was fighting alongside Federation Troopers in a full out scale attack, and it was different, but awesome too. It was a nice change of pace.
Now... for Bioshock... Oh my lord...
... One second I had to wipe the drool off my mouth... :P Ok, I'm not very far in the game, but ...Wow.. This game has some really great atmosphere. The graphics are insane too, and this game has the best water effects in any game to date. I love this game for many reasons right now, and one of them is that unlike most console shooters. This one isn't running and gunning from point A to point B. Rapture is a very crazy world to explore, and I can't go on anymore about how awesome this game is.
You owe yourself to play this game. Right now as it stands, I feel Metroid Prime 3 and Bioschok are the two greatest games to come out this generation and this year. I've been pretty disappointed with this gen's offerings. I didn't like Oblivion for some parts, though it was still a good game. I didn't enjoy Gears that much at all, and everything else so far just hasn't been as stunning and jaw dropping as these two games have been. GOTY candidates right here, and maybe even GOTG (Game of the generation.)
Now if you own a Wii or a PC/360 get Metroid Prime 3 and/or Bioshock for your respective system! NOW!