Alright, well... I've realized... I'm becoming quite bored with my PS3. :( Sadly, the thing is... I have NO games for it. Sure... I have Motorstorm, but I'm not that big of a racing game person. It's not a bad game, but I just don't feel it's a game I want to spend a majority of my time with when I'm currently sucked into CoD4 (360), Trauma Center: New Blood (Wii), Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (Wii) and Advance Wars Days of Ruin (DS.) Heck, I'll be lucky if I have time to play two of these said games in a day...
So right now, what have I used my PS3 for? Well... there's a demo that's waiting to download (I don't remember the name.) But since PS3 doesn't download games while in stanby mode...yet (360 took an update to have this feature, I'm hoping PS3 will too.) I don't feel like waiting cause it's at 30% and PS3 downloads are quite slow when the file sizes are do darn big. :x
Well I downloaded a few CDs into my system, because quite frankly... the iPod connection system is just too messy. (Also... Why doesn't Motorstorm let you use custom soundtracks? I need it badly!! ) It has to do with the PS3's XMB menus and also the fact that PS3 for some reason gives me wierd file names to my iPod's music. I'm not sure why, but for PS3 it's not even as simple as plugging in and having the system read it. I need to push triangle to bring the menu up and select an option that brings up the iPod's folders for me to select from "Music, Contacts, Calendar, etc.) Now that part isn't the problem, it's when I open the music folder, get 30 sub folders of music and then I choose a folder in there just to be greeted to things like "-xBny1" and other wierd names that are my music files... :| So finding my music is painful as I have to play the track to know what it even is. Whereas on the 360 it recognizes all my music files, all my names directly from my iPod, and there's no hassle. (It's a shame cause the PS3's got some nicer visual players than 360 IMO.)
So now... another thing, I've needed the PS3 memory card adapter for my PS/PS2 memory cards. I'd like to not lose my save file, but since I also have a 80 GB PS3, I've got the limited BC support for PS2. Granted... the games I tried work fine, but I only tried 2 so far. 1 game had problems where it just was MASSIVE slowdowns... It performed at half the FPS I believe. That game is Soul Calibur III. Sure, it's awesome having my PS2 games upscaled in 1080p, finally having Progressive scan on PS2 games makes them look almost like new. I just hope more of my games play smoother at least... or else I maybe should rethink of buying component cables for my PS2...
Well overall, I'm not hating my PS3 or anything. I still think it's a very cool system to have, don't regret one bit of buying it, but... my poor system needs games... and needs them NOW! :(
So... I'm just going to make one last comment to make myself feel better about my PS3. I've recently heard of Nintendo's "Pay to Play" service they are going to be doing on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Quite frankly.... I'm just at awe and flabbergasted at the same time. Really... the awestruck part isn't for amazement as it's more for "You are charging for play?!"
Now Nintendo said it wouldn't be for all games, and that the original "service" is going to still be there for free. However... I must admit... I'm just not sure what to think of this yet... but I really don't know if I should feel happy or sad. If, and that's a big IF, they do charge... I hope to god they come up with a way of reinventing their service to allow near XBL service... That's meaning a unified service where I have on FC (I'll bear that but I'd like a username please....) ability to send message to my friends during game across platform (wiiconnect24) and voice chat support. Two of the three are big priorities and I'm sure it's obvious which ones...
Frankly... the service Nintendo has is way too similar to the DSes and that's a BAD thing. I honestly don't care about it on the DS, cause frankly... online gaming on handhelds isn't a long lasting appeal for me... Hell... I haven't even played Advance Wars online yet when Call of Duty 4 stares me down and calls my name with it's siren song of explosions, whizzing bullets and pictures of stabbing my foes with a knife.
Frankly... I must admit... I haven't really regretted my online pay to XBL too much... I have it but I don't think it's ALL worth it too much. Still.. I pay for it, so I don't mind it too much when there are some solid online games to play. However with Nintendo's selection... it's abysmal in comparison. Frankly... I was thinking (before the whole FC fiasco and knowledge of it's existance" that Nintendo would DOMINATE the online world. I'm not kidding you... Nintendo's games are so focused on the party aspect and they have some of the best multiplayer games of many diverse genres... how could they not? Playing a few games of Mario Tennis, Golf, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., and visiting friend's villages in Animal Crossing to trash their flowers.... Nintendo's go so many great games that are so awesome to play with people... if they had a service like XBL and charged... You can GUARANTEE I'd punch in my credit card and sell my soul to them.
Now, I'm NOT a huge online gaming person.... I try to use it sparignly and I assume the Pay to Play service for NWC will remain for something more robust and bigger like MMOs... But Nintendo... really. My hopes were high and thy plummeted face first into the ground ever since I realized how aweful it is in comparison to the other services. With SOOO many great games at your disposal, offering online play in these games with a EASY TO USE system and FRIENDLY USER INTERFACE would just be a godesnd.
I mean, who wouldn't love SSBB with DLC, Mario Kart Wii as well, and the ability to use voice chat in these games or when you visit your friend's in Animal Crossing, are playing Co-Op in Pikmin, or so on. Who wouldn't love to play a Pokemon MMO where you have a friends list that shows you what your friends are doing, let's you pull up a menu to joint hem instantly wherever they are in the world and send messages to them across other games, and being able to add new trainers you meet to a rival list or friend's list and being able to chat it up and even speak.... Nintendo, not EVERYONE who talks online is a pedophile out to harm children... there are GAMERS out there who want to commune and share interests and have discussions....
With that said... I appologize for the long blog... :P Guess that's enough to take away my negative attitude on my PS3 right? :P