Well, I said was I gonna write a review of the first book, but seeing how I kind of went through it all I'm gonna probably just leave it. Scoreless as well. Actually I'm not gonna use a point score, I'm gonna go with a letter grade on the book. I feel that's the best way to rate the book. Also, it's my first review, so any comments would help. I've never reviewed a book, but any criticism will be noted and also I will refrain from detailing any major spoilers.
As the sequel to Twilight, Stephenie Meyer's next book plays more with the reader's emotions. Our protagonist, Bella Swan now has the love of her life. A definition she takes literally, as there is only one thing in life she cannot live without, and that's the love she has for Edward Cullen. However, Bella soon realizes that there is a danger to being in love with a vampire, and it not only puts her at risk, but everyone dear and near her.
Bella begins to realize that as each and every day passes on, she's becoming older and older by the minute. Edward Cullen however is immortal and will never age beyond the looks of a 17 year old. So, when Bella's 18th, birthday comes up, Bella's perfect little life becomes a nightmare.
While the first book was more on the love and romance side. Meyer takes the book to a more emotional and even suspenful side. The emotions are played by the reader's care for these two's unconventional relationship. My personal experience with this book has been very engrossed and filled with much sympathy for Bella's latest troubles.
The first five chatpers had me filled with hope and enlightenment. However, quickly afterwards, things turned for the worse for our fragile love stricken Bella. for the next 10 chapters, it had me filled with many emotions ranging from sorrow to hopeful, and troubled to calm. Bella's life was lost and how she struggled on kept me turning the pages. Hoping and wishing that her life would return and she'd have a ray of sunshine to lighten her blackened skies.
Perhaps the most profounding and rewarding experience I had in the book was at the climax of the book. Meyer's wonderful writing kept the reader informed enough to still keep guessing the outcome of the next page or even paragraph, heck sometimes the sentence. She did a wonderful job at keeping the events detailed enough without slowing the pace down to keep up the high momentum of the storyline unfolding.
Then, when things began to slow down to a descent, Meyer's transitions are so fluid and smooth, it doesn't just feel like things come to a sudden stop, because she still keeps a few things in the back of the reader's mind so they continue flipping through till the next twist comes up.
Shortly afterwards, when all is said and done. Meyer's conclusion of the second book, leaves the reader with a feeling of joy, yet one feels the next glaring danger looming overheard for the next installment, Eclipse.
Ok, so what's been great about this book so far is that Meyer's pace is very steady and well kept. I never felt once that she was going off on something too unimportant, and beating something important over my head too much. It was well balanced and thoroughly enjoyable. If anything, I felt that she improved much on the second book. Her strengths are definitely keeping the reader interested in what's about to happen next and also her flow of pace keeps things well suited for the mood. In a moment of haste and desperation she keeps the movement speedy and informative, yet still is able to keep it very detailed and filled with tons of great imagery. Then on moments of slower speed, she knows how to unravel the key elements and give great vitality and life to the characters that run high on emotions.
If I have to say anything bad about the book (and why do I?) it's that I believe this book may not be for anyone who want's something really deep and though provoking. While the book isn't the most difficult to absorb, it's not very easy either. It's a light read, about 567 pages long. Another thing is that this book is in the real world with fantasy like elements that may or may not be one's flavor I find this story to be quite enjoyable and even plausible to me. Making me wish it were somewhat true.
Overall, I must say that this book is a enjoyable read, and I highly recommend anyone looking for something a bit light, but not predictabl. It's a great book I highly recommend if you're interest in anything about love and looking for something new to read. It's certainly unique in it's own way.
Grade: A