Well, I just got back from my trip, and it was really cool. Enjoyed it very much, and the people there were fun. So now, what happened there? Well take a look here! (pics!)
We drove 6 PAINFUL hours to and fro. We had to endure blistering pains, sore bottoms, and... well boredom.
See for yourself!
Yep, Jazzy had the right idea... sleep! Oh and A-Lo. He was mostly asleep during the whole ride, so this rare shot of him woken up is a sight to behold! :o
Alright, well it wasn't that boring... we saw some interesting things like....
dirt devils? Well... to be frank, this exactly wasn't a dirt devil... I believe. The way it moved and flowed compared to others was much different. Pictures won't show you though, but if you saw it, you'd be like us, lost and confused.
It wasn't long till we arraived at our hotel....
The Double Tree. A Hilton hotel resort, that was very nice actually... here's how my room looked like.
Oh and there's a bathroom and shower too, I just took two pics of the lovely sink... why? Not sure, but also I wanted to mention two of the BEST things at this room.
1. I actually had the WHOLE room to myself! Isn't that sweet?!
2. Best. Remote. Ever!!
Yes, that's right. It's a Gamecube controller! It actually wasn't really used for channel surfing. To my knowledge at least. You could use it to manipulate the menu systems on the t.v. and stuff like that though. That's because this room offered Gamecube games to play at anytime. Now the service charged about $7 for every hour... or $6.95 to be exact. However, the game library offered wasn't bad at all. They had lots of great Nintendo games like Zelda Twlighlight Princess, OoT Master Quest, Wind Waker, Chibi Robo, Mario Parties 5-7, Rouge Squardron, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, and many more. I just don't remeber them all, but they weren't all bad games actually. Too bad I just didn't feel like spending money on the service, cause I'd pass the hour mark too fast... :P
Now at the conference, we had some fun. It was a very "professional" conference in some aspects, but... well I'm kidding. It was very different than anything you'd expect from a "professional" business honestly....
Why look at all these happy faces...
And the handsome devils themselves...
Oh yeah, it was fun... :P In case you're wondering, that's me on the right side. Most Hnadsome of the group, amirite? :)
Now, after all was said and done. We had a dance after the conference. We had some fun there, then we went to the rooms together and hung out. I didn't stay too long actually, because these people take fun in a different manner than I do. Haha, let's just say I'm no drinker and don't smoke the "magic medicine."
Well after we woke up the next day (they took more longer to wake, darn hippies. Haha... ) We went back on the road to home... meaning lots of this...
Yes, it was a very eventful trip... and well it was just like any road trip should be. It was fun, we had the music blairing, the beats thumping, the... ehh.. well you know. Things going, and so.. yes. It was cool. BTW I have a very nice video to upload here as well. Something that is gonna make me famous on Youtube I hope. 8) ... ok not really. I'll get it uploaded here soon though, or Youtube it. (when I can get my new password... )