Hmmm... if you haven't noticed, or are perhaps curious. I won't be around here much longer. An inevitable fate, nay... opportunity has arisen and I'm taking neccessary steps to insure that I will be allowed to take this chance, is fast approaching. So, I've been trying to come less onto the forums and computer in general as it is a big hobby and time killer of mine.
I find it a bit hard, because quite frankly, I enjoy being active here and talking/posting with people here and being active to meet new people as well. However, from my estimate I believe that in about ... 1 month and a half I'll have an answer for you all and will be able to tell you what is up with my life. So about 6-8 weeks I want to say... starting next week. It could be this, I'm not sure. I just know that very soon I shall be leaving and be somewhere else for quite some time. How much time you ask? Approximately 2 years exactly. So, I thought I'd let you all know just for now, a heads up really. If I don't reply to blogs posts, or do very lately, it's because of htis. Now, it's nothing to be sad about, I am sure I shall come check-in when I return. Just hope to see all you people when I get back. :)