yoshi_64 / Member

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Small but important notification.

No April Fools here folks, just a little updates on some things and how they'll affect my time here on GS and with you people.

Ok, let's begin...

First: I'm currently in a gaming fix at the moment. I know, sorry to say, but I've been pulled back into a few games that have NEEDED to be completed for some time, and now I find myself turning the console of choice on first instead of the PC (:o) so because of that my time in GS is pretty reduced... I promise to return more often when I'm done with the games or this phase passes!!

Second: I've had WAAAAAAY to many union requests, from now on, I'm cutting back. Either the ones I've never posted in (quite a few) or ones I'm no longer active in, I'm going to resign. Also plan on not sending me union invites if you haven't already. I have to admit, I don't really make much time to be too active in many. GUFU, Warp Pipe Union, and some of Square-Enix Reunion are the ones I've participated mostly in. I'm cutting off a few others, and if you send me any Nintendo related unions, RPG unions or "Whatever" unions, I will have to decline. Sorry, but I don't want to really take up a spot and be inactive to your union. (Recently joined XNA union, but it's a group made union of my GUFU friends. GUFU is the union to rule the world!! :D Well gaming world hopefully. :P )

Third: I reserved the MGS IV LE package today... $85 is what it will fully costs I hear... :x I know I said Brawl would be my last game, but my PS3's been a dust magnet for too long... well really it's a Blu-Ray player. However with that said... MGS IV IS GOING TO BE THE LAST GAME I EVER BUY THIS YEAR!! I have to stand by it now or never... :x

Fourth: Friend Blogs. I'm sorry if I haven't really posted in your blogs, there are many people's blogs I read but don't post in. Sometimes I see them and go "I'll read next time..." but a new blog is up or it's moved down my list cause I have so many friends... :lol: I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I've really been a bit listless for the past few days. Please don't stop posting on my blogs!! :(

Lastly: I'm trying to reduce my GS/Online time a bit more. Reason why? I'm trying to make a new daily schedule to be frank, and to do so I need to make cuts in my schedule... and the biggest chunk is the time I spend on the computer. So I need to reduce it.

What am I doing you ask? Oh wouldn't you like to know... ;) Ok, Ok... I'll tell you.

I'm trying to start a excerise, daily "completion" (more on it later), and break the mold a bit with something unexpected or exciting.

So, if you don't know I'm trying to perform a daily regular exercise routine... nothing much or important. My weight is still good... at about... 145? last I checked, and I'm not overweight, but maybe I do have a bit of a gut... :P I'm just trying to stay more in shape since I really don't do much activities. As for the "daily completion" I'm just calling it that, because I want to do something that's basically a goal. It doesn't have to be anything important, but something small or big, whatever it is, I just want to try and break the mold basically of my day. Be it "say hi to five strangers" or "juggle three oranges!" or something of the like... or completely different that's what I'm referring to. I am saying this because, let's be honest... who DOESN'T have a routine life? Almost everyday you do the same thing or something of like to every other day, right? Sure, videogames break that mold for me, and maybe you too... but I need a little more... right? I don't care if it's unimportant or whatever... just somethinig!!!

So that's all... take care everyone!