yoshi_64 / Member

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So many games, so little time....

*sigh* it seems to me that I'm not as efficient in gaming as I once thought I was. I don't know what it is, but I just can't make anymore time for it. I have to worry about school, finding a job again, and ultimately making time for gaming aside for studying and so on

 Firstly, I have a plethora of games to finish, but so many things going with school, I may not get time till summer, HOPEFULLY.

 Ya know what though, I don't wanna sound negative, and am not really, I don't mind it, but man... sometimes when I'm busying with Math, or English or something, I just really wish I could play because I don't know what it is, but I may write something or say something that triggers the urge or sensation to play a particular game. :P

 First and foremost, FF XII is LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue. I obtained it launch day, have the Collector's Edition which I've yet to watch actually because I told myself I would after I beat the game. Right now, FF XII has not moved out of my PS2 since the day I brought it home. I have 135+ hours in the game, still haven't made much progress. I must obtain two final espers, defeat the final hunt, and possibly may even do all 80 rare game monsters, but I may just save two files with one continuing that, the other completing the game (causej I hear upon entering Bahamut there's no return.) So yes, I need to beat this game... :x  badly. It's also fantastic by the way too.

 Next, I have Final Fantasy III to finish, or actually FF VI first. I've been playing more FF VI recently, and for one reason. It rocks the hell out of FF VII.. I know I'll be lashed out for that, but playing VII again recently summer last year, then playing FF VI..I cannot begin to describe how awesome this game, and I have never played it as FF III on the SNES too mind you. Kefka is the villian you love to hate, and were I'm at, OMG... he did accomplish something that Sephy never did... and that's amazing... I won't spoil too much, but for an entire year he had the world in a vice grip, and Sephy.. well you I'm all sure know what happened..

Along with other titles, PW: JFA I still need to beat, not cause it's bad or anything I love it, but I just don't have time for it. I also need to complete 100% of YI: DS. I'm sure you all know how big of a Yoshi fan I am. I think this game is great though, however do I believe it's as good or better than YI? :o A review will becoming soon.... in the near future. :lol:

Next, I need to beat MGS: PO, which I've only done like... 5 missions on, and wish I could have played online before it was hacked, or at least I hear it has been... I also need to realize something... I'm already buying new games when I have many more to beat. x_x I've got Super Paper Mario reserved, cause I need something to play on my Wii. I can't seem to get any better than 211 on Wii Bowling... :P plus my room has been rearranged, to the point where I can't play my Wii like usual, in fear of breaking something.. x_x and SPM doesn't look like it needs me to do something of tha nature. :P

I also got Pokemon Diamond reserved. The only good games are the RPG ones anyways, and besides I'm really looking forward to this. It's more going to the roots of Gold/Silver, which are the best in the series IMHO. The new pokemon won't be a big deal to me likely, and the only thing I really wanna do is fight online with others. :P Plus further down the line there's Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Disaster Day of Crisis, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and even still the purchase of Hotel Dusk and Lunar Knights, along with many, MANY more games...

 Hmm, I just wonder how will I get these games, especially the money for them. I'm currently unemployed again, cause my last job was a pain, plus I couldn't keep it with school taking up a lot of my time. I must say... it's hard to be a gamer nowadays. :( But I shall try, and I guess this wasn't much a blog either... to be honest I don't know why I wrote most of this, but I just wanted to write something, because I've felt it needed an update severly. It's ok though, I'll have something better to report soon enough.... well an idea came to mind, but I'll save it for tomorrow I guess. I have something I just thought of, and feel like erasing all this to post it, but... well I'll do it later. :P FUnny how that works, I just get the idea to do something better than this.. but oh well.. c'est la vie. :P