yoshi_64 / Member

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The Holidays are Coming.

I seriously cannot wait for my holiday break to come. 2 weeks of gaming bliss. I cannot wait, as I will be spending my time with some Mario Kart DS, hopefully I'll have Trauma Center beat by then, play some RPGs, maybe I'll get a HDD for my 360, and finally be able to do what I want to it. I have so much to complete for my gaming needs. Then when Christmas comes, I hope to get a lot more great games, I asked for. :D I'm spoiled, I know.

Some of the games I hope to get are...

  • Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
  • Killer7
  • God of War
  • We <3 Katamari
  • Animal Crossing Wild World
  • Mario and Luigi
  • Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

and a few more. However I don't exactly remeber what they are right now.

Anyways, anyone here getting a vacation? If so, what are you guys/girls doing? Any holiday resolutions you plan on completing before the year ends? (I am supposed to beat get 100% in MP2: Echoes, for this year and get 5 star ranking on Mercenaries mode in RE4)