yoshi_64 / Member

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The Xbox Live Life

Well, recently I purchased a renewal to my XBL subcsription. I just got the 3 months, because I won't need the full year, and because it's the only one availible. Really though, the value of it is a bit wonky to me. For $30 more you get a year subscription, however a month costs $7.99. For the only six months I'll need it, I'll have spent $40 and by then $10 more would have gotten a year, when I still don't need that year.

Oh well, that's fine I guess... it won't matter to me much. So far I've been enjoying the XBL experience. I must admit though, I'm not too enthralled with XBL's biggest game it seems... Gears. Yeah, I think it's probably something else, but from what I have it still is it seems. I've got quite a few games, but most of them are really just shooters.... so I'm not too much enjoying it like I would cause of that. I don't buy most of my 360 games, they are bought by my brother, and shooters are fun, but I'm perhaps not the best FPS player out there. As good as I am in them, I admit that for me the thing I don't love too much about FPS games with dual analog control... is well.. the controls. I never feel like it's precise enough for me, and not fast enough either. Sure you can turn the spped, but then ti doesn't feel right on the analog. Keep in mind, I haven't played any FPS shooter on anything else, just Counter-Strike on PC. I'm not good at that at all (mainly cause my PC CHUGS on that game, but the mouse no doubt feels better.)

So what have I been playing...? I've been playing the only great game online IMO right now that I own. DOA4. I kid you not, I'm just loving it here. However, it's not perfect either. First of all, when I started, I admit one thing. I'm a 2D fighter, and 3D fighting games are not my cup of tea. However, I've tried to practice and learn the ways of DOA and I must admit, after practice, it's quite good and even fun.

Now, one thing... the reason I like it a lot, is because the game sort of feels similar to old arcade days, when you're online. The people there are nicer, they talk (sometimes they don't) and next thing you know you're just having a nice conversation with some people while you wait for your turn to come up. Of course it's not really all the same, you get a few lame heads who just use the N word or other vulgarities, but it's MUCH, MUCH less than Gears in my experience. Or other online games I've played.

The other thing is, the game isn't too bad and it feels good beating other people, and I've noticed my skills improving over time. I'm still not too great at it though. I'm fluctiating always between a C+ and B- grade. However, I also must admit that I think I should practice with a few more characters, and really get the game's fighting system down better.

Overall though, it's quite a pleasant experience playing DOA online. Just playing Online in general is pretty relaxing, however it does take away time from my other games I need to complete, and because of that I've been a bit lacking on the other games I should really play, or want to play. However, an Xbox without Live now feels pretty much... naked... :| So I have to play online now almost, whenever I play my Xbox...

Well that's all. I must admit though, I'm not too competitive sometimes, mainly because I don't think it's THAT important to me. I like to win, but if I lose, I lose. That's all there is too it. Unless it's being very cheap in the game and glitching or that kind of thing, then by all means, why even play the game?