i run via optical just fine. check your settings.
youknowryan's forum posts
What you're talking about sounds like the "bloom" effect. Its a lighting effect where things that omit or reflect light have a dense glare around them. So the closer he is to any light sources the more prominent the bloom will be. That halo is the reflection off his big white bald head. TheEldestGod
That is a perfect explanation since it describes more or less what I am seeing. I will mess around with the game a little more, but I suspect you've got it. I will report back.
No i dont get that at all. No problems or anything like that what so ever.
Would you mind checking with this in mind?
When playing I've noticed an odd visual effect. When I run left of right and the camera remains focused upon Kratos, he will have a halo (or slight double image if you will) that is especially noticeable around his head. It is most obvious when Kratos is close to the front of the screen (not in the distance where he is tiny) and when the scene is not dark or filled with action. The flame of Olympus chamber is a good area to try this. Go to the bottom where Kratos is at full size and the area is fairly well lit. Then run right and left to see what I mean. Am I the only one getting this? Does anyone else get it?
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