youngbrutus24's forum posts
I love video games and quickly become addicted to whatever games thatplease me it does not matter what system it is on. But being brought up on the playstation consoles andhaving so much fun on themits easy to see why i love the Playstation 3. Xbox360 is great too and wii is fun in its own ways but plasystaion just feels right to me and i am used to the way things are set up. So usually when people ask my opinon i try to answer the questions truthfuly but most of my time my answer is more pro for the PS3
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Resistance: Fall of Man, Madden 08 and in time Grand Theft Auto IV and Haze
i luved rb6vegas i thought it was great some of hte best AI in a game lots of multiplayer options great campaign and the story for 2 is a continuation of 1 so if your interested in the story (its good for a shooter nothing great though) i wuold get it. though i would get it for the multiplayer alone though the single player is amazing i've played it liek 10 times. clarkportmanken
so to really understand and get fullexperience of the story i should get the first one or do you think the second will kind of explain what has already happend? alsowas single player campaign long?
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