if a hell of a lot of star wars games can be at a high standard, then i don't see why other games from films/tv series can't do the same. takes tlc from the directors and writers, that's all. if jja left the game at an early stage, just goes to show he didn't give a crap. jja is very hit or miss, never consistent. 'lost' was a huge bag of poo, imo.
the greed of ms knows no bounds. they are going too far. this always online thing is incredibly stupid and unmanageable for most people in most countries. we don't all live in the richest areas of the usa and have super-fast broadband at our disposal like the upper echelons of ms. this can only damage ms profits, and unless this changes, i, for one, will definitely not be buying one. screw all this tv and social media crap. unwanted and unnecessary.
first one bored the crap out of me. pretty to look at. no heart, no soul.
looks like more of the same.
when are games gonna come out that are as good as half life or dead space 1 and all of the other classics that keep you immersed and unwilling to put down your controller?
the game business is really going down the toilet bigtime.
i don't care about innovation. just give me a decent story and some characters that i wanna give a sh1t about.
gears of war was an average overrated game. vanquish was much better, and i reckon this is as well.
the only good third person shooter i really enjoyed was DEAD SPACE.
if i want good stories, i'll watch a movie. hated all those long boring scenes in halo and others, holding up the gameplay.
i'm sick of reviewers trying to be clever looking for negative things where there aren't any. obviously, macdonalds is missing a perfectly good burger flipper...
honestly, the flashlight thing bugged the crap out of me when playing doom 3. it was a bad call. anybody in a life threatening situation of that proportion would have taped a flashlight onto their weapon. also i'm sick of playing games that don't allow you to adapt the gamepad to a configuration of your own choice.
the thing that annoys me most about this release is that instead of bringing out new innovative games, they're releasing old games that most people have already played and paid for.
how about releasing the new seven levels separately at a reduced price for people that have already purchased the original.
your-exhellency's comments