@Too-DementeD I don't think you understand. Hackers or "security researchers" (someone who hacks then notifies companies of the exploit he used expecting to be paid) don't just "stumble" upon exploits, they spend many hours TRYING to find exploits. For security researchers, it's their job to find exploits before hackers do.
In regards to hackers, Facebook and Google offer financial incentives for exploit reports, which may encourage the hacker to report the exploit rather then keep it a secret. Since Valve doesn't offer compensation for whoever reports security leaks in their system (steampowered.com/Steam), then hackers are more likely to NOT report an exploit, and security researchers won't even start searching for exploits in Valve's system, so security leaks are more likely to go unchecked, until hackers find them and steal your information.
It's like Crimestoppers. Offering financial compensation to encourage reporting crimes. Valve is bascically admitting that their system is less secure then Google/Facebook because they don't have a program in place to encourage people to report exploits.
Fantastic video. Danny basically summarized why UT99 was so amazing. He even referred to the Bot AI which WAS really good for its time (and still is imo). I still remember getting my butt kicked many times by Xan on that spaceship before finally beating him to unlock his skin.
Also the multiple firing modes on weapons was a huge reason why I played UT99 over Quake 3.
BF4's netcode is still broken. the tickrate (times a second the server sends info to the client) is only 10 times a second. Causing many of BF4's problems with "instant kills" (people shoot you between the server's messages, thus causing the server to make it look like you died in one shot) and missed shots and stuff. For reference CS has a 68 tickrate.
Little disappointed that GS Reviewed Titanfall based off what was clearly a press event (based off the player names in the footage, which were similar to the beta's press event). They didn't even wait to play this multiplayer onlyshooter when it was released
@Vambran You can't pirate AOE online. The whole game was designed about being online, and it's also F2P. So even if people could hack the premium stuff, it wouldn't matter because they'ld be stuck with a crippled game offline. It really wasn't bad, so it's too bad to hear aboot this.
So now they can't play video games? That's not fair. They already did their time. If we want to take away all their freedoms, why not just imprison them for life or, if that costs too much, kill them?
I'm all for educating kids not to give out personal information over video games, but not for banning a guy who might have sexually harassed someone 20 years ago but cleaned himself up.
your_mom1's comments