yourlilbro's forum posts


Then the 360 arrived, every single game at launch looked better than Black, say COD2:

If COD2= Timesplitters.
What can we expect 5 years from now, with UE4 in the making and maybe bursting in the scene in 2009?
We gotta get there before sundown. :(Don't forget the frag grenades. We gotta seal up those holes.[QUOTE="DrinkDuff"][QUOTE="IAmRodyle"][QUOTE="bman784"]Everyone...quick! Grab your Lancers and head to Russia...we've got a bone to pick:evil:books83
Want me to get a couple Hammer of Dawns too?
grabs torque bow*It is indeed a Denstis Simulator. Dr. Chan's Periodontal Escapades, only for Xbox 360 and PS3flamingschmoes2totally can't wait for it, heard for the 360 it rumbles when u drill someone and with ps3 u have to shake the 6axis to pull a teeth out :D it doesn't look bad, its pretty awesome really, but nothing that really makes crabs jealous ;)
I guess if you u use it as a blu-ray player. Yes, yes it is worth it :). I've been trying to find Pearl Harbour Blu-Ray around town.. I'm still trying to get my hands on the HD-DVD addon, need to convince daddy dearest for use of "our" home theatre, but actually i'm the one who want's it. Oh what a sneaky clever plan :D I'm gonna go ask m dad now :D woohoo!Still not worth the $$$ yet IMO
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