I don't think it's the juvenile tone that hurts Saints Row; it's the horrendous gameplay! I bought SR3 expecting it to be great and quit after about 30 minutes. I couldn't get past the fact that every enemy I came to took a full clip from the weapon to kill, and their bodies all responded to being shot in the exact same animation. After seeing that 20 or 30 times I realized Saints Row is not for me.
Nothing more than publicity for an upcoming game. The only bad publicity is one nobody talks about you... Just like the Dead Island Riptide Bust Figure.
Sounds like intentional bad publicity by the Epic folks. We all know, the only BAD publicity is NO publicity.
"Hey, we've got a game releasing in a couple weeks and we need to create a quick s***-storm to make sure everybody's talking about it." says Marketing Guy #1.
"Have you heard what they did for the Dead Island Special Edition? That got people talking in a hurry!" says Marketing Guy #2.
And, presto, change-o, here we are. Hilarity ensues....
I guess the gamespot comments are where we seperate the fanboys from everybody else... I rarely agree with McShea but I think he's on point here. Like many others I grew up on Nintendo characters and still feel that the greatest system ever was the SNES. But, all Nintendo does is recycle their sacred cows over and over. I genuinely try to like their new releases but just can't get over them. The porblem, as I see it, is that if Iwere the age now that I was when I originally loved Nintendo, then I might still be interested. it just feels to me like their games are strictly designed for 8-17 year olds and they never plan to change. I'm so sick of the same Zelda over....and over....and over...it never changes. Yes, I get that COD and GOW are the same too (which is why I've also grown to despise those franchises as well). I would love to see the big N take a drastic turn and really wow us, instead of slapping a fresh coat of paint on Mario for the millionth time!
It kills me when these tragic events happen and everyone wants to point fingers at scapegoats. In this case, we'll hear the familiar sayings that these "excessively violent" video games are essentially trainers for would-be murderers and cop killing simulators and the like. The problem, as I see it, is that they're taking things that aren't necessarily related and claiming they're causes. Well, he liked video games, that must have driven him. The problem is that hundreds of thousands of people like me play the very same violent games and DON'T go out to commit crimes. Hell, if they look into it, I'm pretty sure there's a good chance the shooter also ate milk and cereal. We better look into THAT.
I don't understand why everyone gets butthurt and claims they're paying $60 for "half a game". Yes, there is additional stuff out there. You can either choose to spend MORE money on MORE stuff, or pay the sticker price and play what's included and be done with it. DLC isn't going anywhere now that developers have figured a way out to get more money out of their products. Some games I have happily bought every piece of DLC because I as the consumer felt it was worth buying. Other times, I have skipped the DLC because it didn't add anything for me. At the end of the day, if you don't like it, don't buy it. But don't think for a minute that DLC is going anywhere.
Personally, I prefer to wait for GOTY editions, the only problem then is that when I just start playing a GOTY game, my friends have already moved on to something else. And there we are, back to the economics of the situation: If the service/product being sold is valuable enough to you, then you will be willing to pay the price.
yukidaruma33's comments