yukilliom / Member

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Checkin' back in

What sup people haven't been posting in a long time long , so checking back in to let you guys know about my current stituation . I bought a XBOX 360 about 1 and a half years ago and I haven been playing none stop . The XBOX 360 is so much better than the Wii in my opinion so I haven't play my Wii , since the time after I bought my XBOX 360 . What I'm trying to tell you guys is that no more challenges on Wii games since I quit playing it , but I will open - handed accepted any challenges on the XBOX 360 . My gamertag is philiybrolove . Also I don't have a PSP anymore since I got rob and the PSP is one of the item that they stole .

P.S.~I will laught at you if you talk crap to me and I just beat you on a XBOX live game.