yung_slym Blog
Playstation shall rise again.
by yung_slym on Comments
Hello folks,
Another price drop for the playstation three? It appears that sony has re-thought its strategy and decided to finally give into the consumer wants. I personally think by dropping the price to a more reasonable amount will allow gamers who wanted the system but could not afford it to now go out and purchase the system. Also, if sony is able to deliver on the promise of a stable online community (home) combined with Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid online, will result in a drastic increase in sales for the system. (As long as MGS4 stays exclusive for the PS3). Personally, I am a die hard PS fan, and I cant wait to get my hands on the PS3. I would have been brought one, but there weren't really any games that stood out to me. Heavenly Sword was okay, but I think I'll wait for Assassins Creed. And I have to frown on the actions of Capcom for making DMC a multi-platform game. Playstation nurtured that game all the way through puberty, and now that its all grown up it just turns its back on family. Shame on you Capcom, Shame. But face the facts, visually the PS3 is the best system on the market. Also, the PS2 have provided a solid background as far as comfortability with the controller, as well as certain game titles. I have played Halo 3 for the XBOX 360 and I must say that I am a bit disappointed with the game. I guess its because I was expecting more from Bungie. The game is a good game, and the vs. mode is okay, but there are really no smaller maps for the game. But I guarantee that Bungie plans on fixing that with map upgrades. But overall I am a big Halo fan (Mainly for the multiplayer mode).
Well to be honest I do have a lot more to say, but I'm lazy and I am not about to type it all so if u have any ?'s or comment plz leave me a message and I'll get back to you.......:roll:
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