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Controversial use of force amongst the cops?

The all too famous.... Punching scene

You can see other cases of "Physical abuse" in the related videos.

Seriously , if cops aren't allowed to use FORCE , how on Earth are they supposed to SUPPRESS and CAPTURE these lawbreakers whom uses FORCE against them?

It's like asking someone to take down a tiger with a toothpick.

Firstly , the cop wasn't using his baton nor any form of equipment he was given - his merely using his hands to suppress the target and attempt to wear her out so he could handcuff her properly.

Secondly , his simply doing his job. The woman may be simply jaywalking - but she was jaywalking in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. What is more , she resisted arrest and go with him in peace. Instead , she flailed around , resisting arrest and pummeled at the cop like a fish out of water.

Thirdly , these cops honestly needs to be promoted. Their actually doing their job seriously , they take the lives of the civillians SERIOUSLY. Considering that he had gone through so much to capture one woman whom was simply jaywalking in the middle of the road had simply told us how he took the lives of the people in his country in a very serious manner.

I swear people these days are getting dull in the mind. They are , for one , not even using their weapons. They didn't use their firearm to threaten the target to submit to arrest , nor did they use their baton to beat the living daylights out of them.

We - on the other hand , do not appreciate the efforts of these cops and treat them like vermin on the streets. How can they operate efficiently if their going to be blamed if they use too much force and capture the view of the world and use too LITTLE force and allow the target to escape? Like in this one?

I guess they'll need to pick up some martial arts at this rate - to , y'know , capture someone without actually hurting them.