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Dragon's Dogma - Monster Guide ( Fixed )

Threat Level : Low
Weakness : Fire / Ice

Goblins are by far one of the weakest lot in the game - though they would still pose quite a threat in the earlier stages when your still weak and scrawny.

Whilst not significantly dangerous , they can be quite annoying - there are various types of attack style for goblins , some would attack you head-on , others bears a shield , some may pelt flasks of oil or rocks and some may even blow a horn to summon their comrades.

Killing off the horn-blower is your top priority - note that their leaders tends to wear a helmet and is the toughest to kill.

Threat Level : Low
Weakness : Fire / Ice

Hobgoblins are like Goblins - except their slightly bigger and tougher.

Same strategies applies though note that they won't go down quite as easily as a common goblin.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Fire / Ice

Grimgoblins are the strongest variation of Goblins - their the meanest and most dangerous - difficult to knockback , comes in large groups and tends to enjoy stepping on their victims the moment they fling them over.

Their significantly tougher compared to it's cousins and their much more difficult to knockback , which means dodging and careful attacks are elementary in a battle against Grimgoblins.
Still , compared to most of the "advanced" foes in the game , their at the bottom of the mound.

Threat Level : Low
Weakness : Fire

Wolves are one of the tougher advesaries you would encounter early on in your journey.
Fast , nimble and fairly brutal , they can prove difficult to hit for one wielding solely a blade in their hands.

Wolves would also howl to alert their pack of your presence.
It is wise to let the wolf attack first , block or dodge it , then strike back - or simply shoot at it if your using magic or a bow.

Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Fire

Direwolves are found around the northen borders of Gransys and their a lot more tougher than the common wolves.

At earlier levels , you may find them highly resistant to attacks and fire may be needed to ensure a smoother victory.
They share a common tactic with the wolves but it is not unlikely to find a very large pack of Direwolves , making them rather dangerous for Mages whom have low Defense ratings.

Threat Level : High
Weakness : Ice

Hellhounds - as their name suggests , are fire breathing hounds whom are the strongest variation of the wolf strain.

Hardy , powerful and breathes fire across a distance - they prove to be quite dangerous for both ranged and melee characters alike.
Using icy attacks would damage them faster and ensure a quicker success in your encounter with them.

It is to be noted that their rather difficult to knockdown and whilst they do bear a similar moveset to their wolven cousins , note that they DO have the ability to breathe fireballs.

Skeletons / Skeleton Mages / Skeleton Sorcerers
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Holy / Blunt attacks

Skeletons are commonly found in crypts , in the depths of the night and various other location in Gransys.

Their particularly weak against blunt attacks - which means hammers or maces would make quick work of these walking bones.
Note that there are Skeleton Sorcerers and Mages - whom does have the capabilities to cast a variety of spells which can prove annoying when your fighting a large mob of monsters - though they are certainly easy enough to kill.

Skeleton Knights
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Holy / Blunt attacks

Their like the skeleton - but more hardy and bears a blade to boot.
It's advisable to strike their backs and likewise - use a holy or blunt weapon against them for a quick victory.

Skeleton Lords
Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Holy / Blunt attacks

Skeleton Lords are significantly more dangerous than any of the other frail bones which walks across the plains of Gransys.

They bear a moveset remniscent of a Mystic Knight - being able to conjure up a magic barrier with their shields and is quite a threat from close-medium range combat.

It is , once again , advisable to round up behind them or block their strikes - then strike back.

Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Fire

Saurians are lizardmen whom resides near rivers.
They can prove to be quite a threat early on in the game owing to their hardy nature - though that can be easily remedied by slicing off it's tail , which would significantly weaken the beast.

Sulfur Saurian
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Fire

Similar to the Saurians but slightly tougher , have a different appearance and can turn "invisible" at will.

The strategy to kill them is quite similar to the Saurian.

Geo Saurian
Threat Level : Medium -
Weakness : Ice

Their , generally speaking , like the Sulfur Saurians but a lot tougher in general.

The strategy is generally the same but you may want to use ice instead.

Saurian Sage
Threat Level : High
Weakness : Ice

Probably one of the most annoying critters I've come across.
Their highly resistant to physical trauma and knockbacks - which makes slicing the tail off a fundamental act to destroy the beast.
Furthermore , they can heal themselves.

However , on the upside , I found them rather easy to freeze and this could make victory a lot easier as a whole - it's also recommended to hold them down for your allies to finish it off or vice versa.

Undead / Undead Warriors
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Holy / Fire

Undeads and Undead Warriors - the latter is tougher than the former but their pretty much the same.

Use fire or holy attacks and you'd make quick work of them - they can be annoying as they may attempt to bite the player.

Stout Undead
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Holy / Fire

Well , their like any Undead - except it's horizontally challenged and blows up if lighted with fire.
The explosion can be advantageous if used well and the explosion may chain if there is yet another Stout Undead within the radius of explosion within the other Stout Undead.

Giant Undead
Threat Level : Medium -
Weakness : Holy / Fire

Compared to the other blighters in the Everfall , Giant Undeads are little more than annoying.

They are slow , may attempt to tackle you down from time to time or grapple you like some common zombie - their just a lot bigger and tougher than a common zombie but that's it.

Just burn them or smite them with holy might.

Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Fire

Harpies can be rather dangerous if your fighting them near cliffs - since they wouldn't hestitate to pick you off and drop you at the cliffside.

However , they can be easily shot down - or you can wait for them to attack before striking with your blade.

Note that their songs would lull you to sleep.

Snow Harpy
Threat Level : Low +
Weakness : Fire

Snow Harpies generally appear alongside Direwolves - like the Harpies , they can lull you to sleep but their also tougher and can breathe icy breaths to turn you into a frozen statue.

The same battle strategy applies for a Snow Harpy.

Threat Level : Medium +
Weakness : Holy

Succubi are the most annoying lot in the Harpy strain - though since when did a succubus resemble a harpy in folklore is something beyond me.

Anyways , these annoying blighters would deal plenty of debiliations to you - instead of lulling you to sleep with their songs , their songs would , however , inflict a large variety of status ailments upon you.

They may also attempt to bite you - which would also deal a random status ailment of either strength loss , defense loss , magick loss or magick defense loss - you get the idea.

Threat Level : High
Weakness : Blunt attacks

Gargoyles are dangeous foes - particularly because of their ability to petrify their prey.

Using a blunt weapon would make quick work of this stony blighters.
Just avoid it when it swoops down , the tail is the source of petrification.

Phantasms / Spectres
Threat Level : High -
Weakness : Holy

Phantasms are spirits - Spectres are spirits which sparkles electricity - which makes drenching yourself a bad idea when your fighting the latter.

Phantasms and Spectres are very dangerous as possessed allies can not free themselves and the Spectre would cling onto you until you die or remedy the situation through a Curative or have an ally dislodge it for you.

Their immune to physical attacks unless when their taking hold of a victim or if the weapon in question is enchanted with magick.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Lightning

Well , Lightning isn't "really" a weakness but it's very useful in your battle against an Ogre since their susceptibile to electrocution - just by spamming lightning attacks may ground it on the spot.

Their one of the toughest advesaries early on in the game and it is not unlikely that they may kill you in one blow if angered.

Note that Ogres prioritizes women when their NOT ENRAGED - if they are angered , they would start attacking just about anyone.

Also , take care when climbing it's back , it may flip over and pancake you.

Threat Level : Low+
Weakness : Lightning

Well , Cyclops are a bit of a joke really , just aim for it's eye and voila , victory is at hand.
Like the Ogre , their very susceptibile to lightning attacks.

Note that some Cyclops may be armored and they may bear a helm - to remove the helmet , simply climb onto it's back and leap off the moment it tries to grab you - the Cyclops would remove it's own helm , leaving it's eye vulnerable to attacks.

Clinging onto the leg of the Cyclops may cause it to topple and striking the weapon arm may disarm it - though it is particularly effective with lightning attacks.

Threat Level : Low+
Weakness : Blunt attacks

Golems are near-impossible to kill for Mage/Sorcerer characters - melee is the only way to hurt it.
There are blue medals located around it's body - strike those to kill it.
It is advisable to aim for the medals on the hand first since it's usually covered up most of the time - and the one at the bottom of it's feet if you managed to topple it over by striking it's other magick medals.

Metal Golems
Threat Level : High
Weakness : Physical attacks

Like the Golem , it's near-impossible to kill with magic and even more so with solely a sword since it's powered by seven magick medal spread throughout the room - two of them being elevated in the air.

It is advisable to bring a bow-user in your party should you wish to confront this monster - it is to be noted that it is also a lot faster than a common Golem and it would prove a brutal foe.

Chimera / Gorechimera
Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Gorechimera's Lion Head is weak against ice

The Chimera and Gorechimera bears similar combat patterns - but naturally , the Gorechimera is more advanced in terms of moveset and spells.

For the common Chimera , it is advisable to take out the Lion head with strong magick first to weaken it's physical prowess , then take out the snake and finally the goat.

For the Gorechimera however , it may be advisable to take out the Goat first owing to it's healing capabilities , then the Lion then the Snake - though if you have a powerful Sorcerer in your team , it doesn't really matter since a single blow can easily kill the Chimera.

Threat Level : High
Weakness : Blades / Fire

It's weakness isn't really fire but the moment you slice of it's heads , you must seal the wound with fire to stop it's head from coming back that quickly.

It's advisable to use a Mage with Fire Affinity or a Fire enchanted weapon into the fight - once all the heads are severed , you can then deal a large amount of damage to the beast by striking it's decapitated necks and thus , sealing an easy victory.

Threat Level : High
Weakness : Blades / Fire

Like the Hydra - but a lot stronger and seems to be somewhat resistant to holy attacks - the Archhydra requires a similar strategy for it's defeat.
Whilst it may appear menancing at first , once you've sliced off all it's head with the same strategy , it would become an easy kill.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Fire

Griffins can be annoying since they would retreat the moment their health is low - but it can be easily remedied by clinging onto the Griffin and burning it's wings.

Griffins can also be lured down by the sight of dead foes - you may use dead bandits , dead goblins and pretty much dead anything to lure them.

Threat Level : High
Weakness : Fire

Likewise , you may want to attack the wings to affect it's flight but note that the Cockatrice is capable of breathing petrification breaths - which makes it very dangerous if you lack the Curtative or Resistance for this beast.

It may also poison you with it's talons.

It is advisable to strike it's expanded chest the moment it tries to spit out it's petrification attacks and strike the wings the moment it takes flight - the head is also a good spot to hit.

Vile Eyes
Threat Level : Low

Vile Eyes are like Evil Eyes - but their a lot smaller and weaker.
Just wait for it to prepare a spell - the barrier would be lowered and you can kill it rather quickly.

Evil Eyes
Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Holy

Evil Eyes are fairly easy to kill despite the amount of experience it gives - first of all , kill all of the tentacles you see sprouting from the ground - when it's Barrier is lowered , you would then strike the tentacles on it's body to destabalize it - then finally , strike the exposed eyeball to finish it for good.

I can't be certain but powerful Magick seems to be able to penetrate it's barrier.

Note that the Evil Eye is capable of dishing out debalitations as well.

Wights / Liches
Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Holy

Wights and Liches are pretty much undead sorcerers on steroids - they can fly , intone nasty spells and summon dead minions to fight by their side.

Whilst it is in flight , it is difficult to damage so you might want to clear off the minions first to let it alight on the ground - by then , it's defenses would've dramatically lowered as it tries to summon a new batch of undeads.
Use that limited amount of time to deal as much damage as you can against it.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Ice

Common Drakes can be found in the Devilfire Grove - and they can be found in various other locations in the Post-game scenario.

Their weak against Ice attacks and you can easily break their wings , horn and damage their heart with a powerful Ice Magick.
Note that their heart is located on their chest - which would allow you to deal the most damage.
It's also one of the earliest dragons you would meet in the game.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Lightning?

Much like the Drake but have a higher diversity of spells and breathes ice instead of fire.

Threat Level : Medium
Weakness : Fire

Edit : ( Just found out it's weakness ) - but this Wyvern emits lightning strikes and it's heart is located on it's back , causing this dragon strain to take a slightly longer time to kill compared to the Drake and Wyrm.

Note that it's can curse you.

The Dragon
Threat Level : High -
Weakness : Ice

The Dragon is weak against Ice attacks and it's much like the Drake - except it's bigger , a lot stronger and bears a nasty attitude.
Still , a powerful Ice Magick straight into it's heart could easily knock out a fair portion of it's health.

Threat Level : Extremely High
Weakness : Holy

Holy is the only thing which works for the Ur-Dragon and it is advisable to use the Assassin for the Online Ur-Dragon.
It is to be noted that dying ( Even with Wakestones ) , retreating or fleeing with a Ferrystone would regenerate it's health.

The offline Ur-Dragon can be easily defeated in any other Vocation - particularly the Hybrid Vocations which would allow you to defeat it quite easily.

Though it is to be noted that Mages and Sorcerers would be quite useless against this beast since it can only be damaged by hitting it's weak spots and that it is quite resistant to all elements save Holy attacks.