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Influx of foreigners into Singapore

*scratches head*

I hold nothing against foreigners but anyone would be pissed if jobs are taken away by these "foreign talents".
Certainly , there are jobs of which Singaporeans do not or is incapable of performing to a satisfactory standard but there are also jobs which were taken away from locals despite having the capability to do so - simply because foreigners are generally cheaper to hire.

Naturally , this became a rather heavy issue amongst Singaporeans... though I certainly detest the way Singaporeans are treating the foreigners.
Whilst they are a threat to our livelihoods - there is no reason to spew insults and hostilities towards them... Well , most of them anyway. ( I had a... bad experience with one foreigner )

Generally speaking , literally 1/2 of our population is composed of foreigners and the other 1/2 are people borned in Singapore and was raised on local soil.
It is a frightening digit - particularly so since most of our island is composed of people whom's heart lies on foreign lands.

I strongly believe that a country is nothing without it's people - what about a country which have 1/2 of it's space occupied by people whom have little loyalty to the local soil?
Some may have changed their hearts and mind to this land but the issue is more complicated than that.

Whilst foreigners aren't of a common sight in the past ( Unless you count the central and perhaps more Eastern part of Singapore ) , foreigners can now be seen across the land.
Again , this is a complicated issue. Without foreigners , our manpower value would decrease greatly but the inconsistency of job allocations and the discontent of the people is yet another severe issue at hand.

The government is trying to convince the people to have more children ( Typical sight in most modern countries I suppose ) but the issue is - cost of living and the upbringing of a child can be harsh even with the subsidies involved.
So , all in all , I worry for the possible degeneration of this country.

I guess the government is taking into account the country well-being as a whole and not the people's desire in question. That may be the best move since our nation is small but at the same time it's not kind to those whom lived here ever since they were borned.

I wonder if this issue could EVER be resolved.