This is the Part II of my Guide to killing the boss monsters in MHF2 / MHFU. This Guide would cover the Gypceros , Gendrome , Iodrome , Velocidrome ,Monoblos , Diablos , Gravios ,Basarios , Shogun Ceantaur , Rathalos , Rathian , Yian Garuga , Queen Vespoid and then the almighty Tigrex. I'll also discuss a bit more deeply about the weapons in this guide then choose a weapon to master , since fighting against the Elder Dragons are no walk in the park so it's best to focus on one weapon from now on. But if you don't mind , try to master at least 3 , 2 melee and 1 ranged.
Weapons & More Info=====================================================================
Element :
From here on , Element plays a critical role in your role as a Hunter. With Elemental damage , your opponent would gain alot more damage , even more so if their weak against that Element. There are 5 Elements , Fire , Water , Ice , Thunder and last but not least , Dragon. You can check out a monster's weaknesses after hunting them by checking out the armor they can get crafted into but otherwise , try to predict it's weakness. For example , a Blagonga lives in the snowy mountains so it's only logical for it to be weak against Fire.
Affinity :
I'm sure you'd be seeing some strange Affinity stuff by now in some weapon stats. Affinity is something like a Critical Hit % . Your damage would be dramatically increased in some blows if your Affinity is Positive. But if it's a Negative digit , some attacks may be weaker. But to counter-balance the situation , Weapons of Negative Digits have higher Base Damage while Weapons of Positive Digits are the exact opposite.
Iron or Bone? :
Melee Weapons can be made from either Ore based materials or Bone based materials. Ore based weapons tend to have higher sharpness while Bone based materials ( Bone can mean pelts and skin as well ) tend to have elemental damage. There is also a mixture of both in most weapons but don't worry about this too much , just go with the flow.
Merits of Dual Swords :
Special Dual Swords can have two differentelements at the same time. This makes it cheaper to utilise since you don't have to craft weapons just to fight a specific monster. However , such weapons are rare and is a hassle to make and upgrade.
This isn't an element... :
Well , there are often status effects etched on your weapon rather than elemental effects. Such as Poison , Sleep and Paralysis. Despite the fact that they aren't Elements , they can prove extremely useful as some monsters such as the Kashula Doara would be easier to fight against if poisoned and causing a monster to be paralysed and fall asleep may just save your life at times.
The Merits of causing Sleep Effect :
When Monsters are asleep and when they aren't being captured , you can deal alot more damage to them. This means this is the perfect time to plant all the dangerous bombs you have in your bag on them. I assure you , it would be a really painful experience for them. Naturally , this applies for you as well so try not to get hitted by some sleep effects.
Unblockable Attacks :
Some attacks CANNOT be blocked , such as a Gravios Gas attack. But with special skills , you might be able to guard them but normally , you should just avoid them.
What an annoying tail... :
Well , if your thinking about this and your using a slicing based weapon , rejoice. You can potentially slice some of the Wyvern or Dragon's tail off and as thoughthedeveleporsare congratulating you for doing that , you can carve materials off it.
Parameters :
In every Armor , other than providing Base Defence and Elemental Defence and Weaknesses , you can also increase your Parameter points. Everytime a Parameter hits a 10 , it would become a passive skill of some sort. If it hits 15 - 20 , it's effects would be even stronger and more effective.
Common Tactic for Faster Foes -Great Sword :
This is a pretty...easy tactic. Just keep your sword , run , draw it out and wham the monster when the time is right and keep it again.
Monsters ==============================================================================
Attacks :
- Spits poison forward
- Rushes forward , may spit poison as it runs forward
- Snaps it's jaws several times and sends a flash of light around it to stun you. It can be blocked but hard to dodge. ( You may dodge it easily by running away from it and press X )
- Flies backwards and then lands
- Begins pecking forward like a chicken
- Swings it's tail around 360 degrees
- Feints Death and then awakens if hitted or that your too close
( Sorry , I didn't fight this thing for quite some time so I may not be able to remember all it's attacks. )
Weakness :
Breakable :
Horn ( By breaking it , it cannot use it's Flash Attack efficiently )
How to Anger :
Reduce it's HP
How to Get Drops :
Attack it when it's Feinting Death
Softest Parts :
Head >>> Tail >>> Leg >>> Wing / Body
Anger Signals :
A purple mists surrounds it's mouth
Dying Signals :
Strategy :
No special strategy is needed to fight against it. Just use your normal skills as you would fight against any average Wyvern. However , take great care of it's poison and flash attacks. It can also potentially steal your items so make sure your not carrying anything valuable.
Gendrome / Iodrome / Velocidrome
Attacks :
- ( Just refer to the Giadrome Guide in Part I )
- Gendromes and Velocidromes do not have breathe attacks
Dying Signs :
Strategy :
Sorry I didn't add these "dromes" creatures in Part I , which is meant for rookie hunters. Either way , use the same tactic as you did to slay the Giadrome. Note that Gendrome does not spit anything but it may cause paralysis with it's strikes. Iodromes can spit poison while Velocidrome does not have any special attributes.
Monoblos / Diablos :
Attacks :
- Charges forwards , may follow you while charging but only to a certain degree ( RUN FOR IT!! XD )
- Charges and when it may lift it's head up and send you flying ( Ouch )
- Charges and then swings it's head around
- Roars ( This ain't no joke , Diablos and Monoblos' roars can reach incredible distances )
- Swings tail left and right on the ground , a 180 degrees radius damage behind it
- Swings tail 360 degrees
- Swings it's head around
- Twitches and roars a bit
- Digs underground and appears roughly about 30 seconds later on your last location , easy to avoid
How to Anger :
Reduce it's HP
Signs of Anger :
Twitches and roars , black smoke comes out from it's mouth
Softest Parts :
Tail >>> Leg / Head >>> Main body / Shell Neck
Tail :
Can be sliced off
Strategy :
A Monoblos and Diablos are relatively similar to each other , except a Diablos is way bigger than a Monoblos. ( Thus , stronger ) Their combat styles are similar but it's charge attack is a bit tricky to avoid , you might want to go between it's legs , which is practically impossible most of the times as it lowers it's head as well ( This is only possible when your already directly under it ), or keep your weapon and run!! *Ahem* Either way , if , during it's charge attack , it rams into a specific wall , it may be stuck for a while so strike it hard at that time. When it buries itself under the sand , you may use a Sonic Bomb and 1/2 of it's body would be exposed for quite some time while it is trapped.
Basarios :
Attacks :
- Spits a ball of fire ( May spit several times )
- Charges forward
- Swings it's tail around
- Swings it's head
- Roars
Weakness :
Dragon >> Water / Ice ( Can't remember which :P )
Breakable :
Shell on it's chest
Strategy :
This is a freaking annoying enemy for Blademasters. It's entire body is practically an impregnable fortress and the only solution is an equally sharp weapon , which your unlikely to have early on or by using poison and bombs. By using bombs , make sure every blow is directed at it's chest and once it breaks , you can hit the soft meat that is exposed and voila , it is good as dead. Since it often appears in the Volcano region , make use of the Explosive Rocks that are around the area as well.
Gravios :
Attacks :
- ( All of Basarios Attacks , except fire spitting )
- Kneels and emits sleeping gas ( White Gas , causes Sleep )
- Kneels and emits flammable gas ( Red Gas , burns you...ouch )
- Lowers it's body and sends a beam of fire forward...HOLY COW!!
Weakness :
Similar to Basarios
Tail :
Can be sliced off
Softest Parts :
Belly >>> Tail >>> Rest of the body
Strategy :
This is like the Basarios , except it is far larger and not to mention , dangerous. If your too far , it would send a beam of fire or charge at you. If your too close , it may whack you with it's body or emit dangerous gases. Despite how bad as* it sounds , it is actually quite slow and easy to avoid and unlike the Basarios , you can slice through it in specific places.
Shogun Ceantaur :
Attacks :
- Moves left and swipes it's claw
- Moves to the front , arms wide apart , then swipes it to a close ( Large radius damage )
- Jumps down from the ceiling
- Digs underground and appears , devastating damage
- Swings 360 degrees with it's claws , hard to avoid if too close
- Moves forward and swipes it's claws
- Moves forwards and lands one of it's claws , takes some time for it to withdraw that claw
- Rams backwards ( Rare attack , unlikely to occur )
- Shoots a jet of water ( Only for Ceantaurs with Wyvern Skull Shells and only when it is on the ceiling )
Signs of Anger :
Bubbles on it's mouth
Dying Signs :
Black Bubbles on it's mouth
Breakables :
Claw , Leg
Shells it might wear :
Wyvern Skull , Seashell-like Shell ( The Wyvern Skull ones tend to be more annoying and also the most common )
Softest Parts :
Legs >>> Body >>> Shell >>> Claw
Strategy :
This is actually quite similar to it's Daimyo cousin. However , it is relatively smaller and it mainly uses claw attacks. Again , just jump between it's legs and focus your blows on it's legs. However , unlike a Daimyo , it is also significantly faster , is able to jump onto a ceiling and some attacks cannot be avoided by simply jumping beneath it's legs.
Yian Garuga :
Attacks :
( Everything is the same as Yian Kut Ku , except it spits poison )
- Kneels , lifts itself with it's wings and flips over and hits you with it's tail , very high chance of causing poison
Signs of Anger :
Poison mist surrounds it's mouth
Dying signs :
Damaged / Smaller ears , limps
Tail :
Able to slice off
Breakable :
Softest Parts :
Head >>> Tail >>> Leg >>> Wing >> Body
Strategy :
To hell with this thing... Despite it's similarity to a Yian Kut Ku , it is significantly faster when angered and definitely far more powerful. Poison is also a much more pressing problem compared to small balls of fire. Use similar methods you have against a Yian Kut Ku against it but this would be alot more dangerous and caution is to be heeded. Note that it's body is also relatively harder and if your a Bladesmaster , focus your attacks on the head and tail if sharpness is low.
Rathalos :
Attacks :
- Sends a fireball straight ahead...RUN!!
- Swings it's tail 360 degrees
- Charges forwards
- Roars
- Flies backwards and lands , usually sends a fireball along with it's flight
- Flies around the map , usually used if it senses the Hunter but cannot spot him / her
- Flies upwards , stays airborne , then it may send a fireball down ( If angry , it may send a flurry of fireballs...Incoming!! )or flies extremely quickly towards you to claw you , it may cause poison and both attacks are extremely dangerous.
Weakness :
Water / Ice / Dragon
Breakable :
Horns / Claws on wings
Tail :
Can be sliced off
Softest parts :
Head >>> Tail >>> Leg >>> Wing >>> Body
Signs of Anger :
Roars , then there is a fire mist around it's mouth
Dying Signs :
Strategy :
This is an extremely dangerous foe. Especially it's airborne attacks. When it is airbone , I recommend you to flee as far as possible as it is difficult to tell which attack it would use , the fireball attack is relatively easy to dodge even when it's angry but it's claw attack is almost impossible to dodge and the damage is devastating.When it's angry , it is also relatively fast in combat. Despite all this , you should not feel discouraged by a Rathalos isn't one of the strongest Wyverns for nothing.
Rathian :
( Similar Attacks to Rathalos , except that there are no airborne attacks )
- Kneels , flies upwards then flips itself to hit you with it's tail , may cause poisoning
- Shoots 3 fireballs , one forward , then the other 2 sideways.
Weakness :
Ice / Water / Dragon
Breakables :
Horn / Horns on wings
Tail :
Can be sliced off
Signs of Anger :
Roars then fire mists appears on it's mouth
Dying signs :
Softest Parts :
Head >>> Tail >>> Leg >>> Wing >>> Body
Strategy :
This is extremely similar to the Rathalos in various ways. So the same skills is needed to bring it down. However , you ought to learn the harsh truth that it shoots 3 fireballs when it's on land but it sometimes shoots a single fireball , it's easy to avoid when your used to it , however. It's flipping attack is pretty annoying as well so it's best if you stick to it's sides when your fighting it.
Duo Strategy :
In some Quests , you may have to fight BOTH the Rathalos and Rathian. Naturally , try to single one of them out and injure that one as quickly as possible as these male and female wyvern tend to stick to each other like glue. Either way , the injured Wyvern would retreat at an abnormal schedule so the two wyverns would end up seperated most of the times , making it easier to bring them down. However , for safety purposes , bring several healing items , some traps and at least some flash bombs.
Queen Vespoid :
This is a new G Monster by the way
Attacks :
- Flies towards you , twitches it's abdomen and stabs you with it's needle , may cause paralysis
- Sprays a disgusting yellow liquid infront of it , lowers defence
- Flies straight towards you and smacks you
Strategy :
This is actually quite a feeble boss monster. Except that you may have to lure it out by killing it's Vespoids. A Queen Vespoid attack pattern is similar to a Vespoid , other than the spraying attack and it is also alot more bigger than even the biggest of Vespoids. The safest area to attack it is behind it...oh yeah , this isn't exactly a Chief's Quest but I thought I should include it due to it's simplicity. ( Despite that , it's materials can be used to make a Rare 6-7 Weapon and Amor set )
Tigrex :
One of the most feared Chief Quest Monsters you will ever encounter...mainly because of your lack of proper equipment of course. Once you get decent weapons , a Tigrex is nothing but a walk in the park but skill-wise , this is one of the most challenging monsters.
Attacks :
- Charges forward , may continue charging by turning around roughly about 65-75 degrees , after the charge , it would either pounce or bite
- Bites one to two times , alot of movement so it can potentially hit you even if your of a medium distance
- Kneels a bit and then swings 360 degrees , it's difficult to avoid close range but when it lowers yourself , it's your signal to dodge.
- Roars , if your too close , it would knock off some HP and if your far , it would act as a typical roar.
- Pounces forward
- Raises it's front limb and knocks the ground , 3 boulders would come flying towards you...RUN DUDE!!
Lightning , Dragon
Breakable :
Horn , Claw on it's wings
How to Get Drops :
When it's biting , lure it to a wall and let it force it's teeth into the wall
Sign of Anger :
Leaps backward , flaps open it's wings , raises itself and roars. Some parts of it's body turns red.
Dying Signs :
Constantly gets Angry...this is why a Tigrex is difficult to finish off
Tail :
Can be sliced off
Strategy :
Holy cow...this is a difficult foe indeed. When it isn't angry , it can be considered slow for dodge-based weapon users and you can easily avoid it's attack and strike back. But when it's angry , it's lightning fast and difficult to fight against. When it is angry , it is wise to protect yourself rather than focusing on attacking and if possible , try to force it to bite the wall so you can get a large opening to attack it. Try to slice of it's tail as early as possible as well , weaken it with every method possible.
Recommended Items :
Mega Potion
Herb x Blue Mushroom x Honey ( If your underconfident about your dodging capabilities , bring this )
Flash Bomb
Bomb Material x Flashbug ( To make more Flashbombs , your gonna need it )
Shock Trap ( Pitfall Traps won't work in the Mountains )
Trap Tool x Genprey Tooth ( To make more Shock Traps )
Hot Drink ( Since your in the mountains the first time you fight against a Tigrex , it'll be a long battle )
Paintballs ( Just in case , but the Tigrex often move between two zones in the mountains only )
Power Coating ( If your using Bows )
Paralysis / Sleep Coating ( Bows )
Dragon S ( If applicable )
Lightning S ( If applicable , don't bother about the other elements other than Dragon and Lightning )
Crag , Pierce etc. etc. ( Bring all the ammo you have...your gonna need it )
Whetstone ( If applicable )
Recommended Felyne Ability :
Gunners :
True Health Flute ( Or at least , a Health Flute )
Shock Trap ( If it learnt it that is )
Bladesmasters :
Armor Flute
Demon Flute
True Health Flute
( Just choose either of these )
Since Felynes can hardly get close to a Tigrex to land a decent hit , make sure you use a Peace-Loving or Cowardly Felyne for support purposes. However , if you must insist...
Dragon Element
Fall 7x Rise 8x ( Or replace this with Status inducing effects or Element Damage Up )
True Health Flute
This concludes Part II. Check out Part I if you hadn't seen it yet. From Part III onwards , I would provide recommended Felyne Ability , Items and probably Equipment Set against Elder Dragons.