Right , I'd be saving the Gundam blog for later... for now , I'll twiddle my thumbs and await the revival of my PSP.
The O and X button is practically destroyed ( Some chip became damaged ) , the battery is dead ( Can hardly last several minutes without a power source ) and there are some other mild damages here and there.
I now feel like a gamer blessed with awesome powers to cause such damage to a PSP ( Hubris Trait Activated )
Anyway , I'm currently replaying The Witcher I. I've left The Witcher II be since I need to complete the other games in my stock but I'm now trying to attain my desirable Save Data in The Witcher I so I can port it to The Witcher II to change some of the story elements and bring over some of the weapons and armor of the previous game - as well as the Orens to make my life easier.
To be honest , I suck real bad at The Witcher 2 , I was pretty good in The Witcher I since it's more of a RPG but The Witcher II is more of an Action game. Fighting one foe is one thing but dodging and swinging through several foes is a pain. Not to mention they've reduced the effects of the Signs and seems to have weakened Geralt to a certain extence.
Not to mention the developers seems to enjoy having Geralt lose his Silver Sword at every start of the game.
Boy , my head hurts.