The following assumes that it's a BSOD that's causing your reboots. Otherwise, it's irrelevant.
Windows XP will automatically reboot if you encounter a BSOD, assuming it's a BSOD that's causing your system to reboot. To disable the auto reboot and see the BSOD, right click MY COMPUTER, choose ADVANCED tab, click SETTINGS under Startup and Recovery and uncheck "Automatically Restart" under "System Failure". This is for Win XP. I do not know if the same applies to Vista or 7. If the BSOD occurs again, write down the info it shows and Google it.
You can also look for the minidump file. It's located in C:\WINDOWS\Minidump on my system. You need software to read the dump file. You can either use Windows Debugging Tools, which is a PITA imo as it requires a rather large download and then you have to burn it to a disc. Another option is BlueScreenView by Nirsoft. The Windows Debugging Tools may give better results, I don't know as I've not spent very much time deciphering BSODs. IMO, there should be a website where you can upload a minidump and have it give you an analysis, but I have not found one. You could try uploading your minidump to another message board and let someone there decipher it and tell you what's likely causing the BSOD. Good luck. :)
EDIT: I just remembered something that caused my system to reboot randomly several years ago. It's just one of many things that could cause it, but what was causing mine was that I did not install the motherboard properly. I was still a noob back then and I didn't use all of the plastic offsets when I put in the motherboard. Occasionally, the board would make contact with the case and it would short it out and reboot. I was lucky that I didn't fry the board. :oops:
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